I like to look on the bright side of things, so I ALWAYS round up! Is that bad?
Table of Contents Part 1: Understanding Place Value Part 2: Rounding Whole Numbers Part 3: Rounding Decimals
Part 1: Understanding Place Value
Place Value – the value of a digit depending on its place or position in a number.
5, (Sample number)
5, 267, o n e s t e n s h u n d r e d s thousands ten thousands hundred thousands m i l l i o n s t e n t h s h u n d r e d t h s t h o u s a n d t h s Can you name all of the place value positions below? (Sample number)
How to properly say and write decimals:
1. 7, , ,218, , , , Name the place of each underlined digit. tens hundredths thousands hundred thousands millionsthousandths ones hundreds ten thousands tenths
State the value of each underlined digit. 1.52, ,218, ,267 Say or write the following numbers , , ,000,156 two thousand six tenths seven million one hundredth eighty thousand fourteen thousand, twenty-seven seven hundred thirteen thousandths nine thousand, two hundred sixteen five and nine tenths eight million, one hundred fifty-six
Part 2: Rounding Whole Numbers
Let’s start by rounding whole numbers! Example 1: Round the following number to the nearest hundred. 5,368
= 5,400 5,368 Example 1 continued: Round the following number to the nearest hundred. or
Example 3: Round the following number to the nearest million. 2,036,194 Step 1: Underline the million’s place. Step 2: Look at the number to the right of the 2. Step 3: The two stays the same in this case. Step 4: All numbers to right of the underlined number turn into zeros. number turn into zeros. = 2, 000,000
Example 4: Round the following number to the nearest ten. 496 Step 1: Underline. Step 2: Look to the right of 9. Step 3: Round the 9 up to 10 and carry the 1 over to the 4, making it a 5. to the 4, making it a 5. Step 4: All numbers to right of the underlined number turn to zero. number turn to zero. = 50 0 Let’s practice!
Round the following numbers to each underlined place. 1. 4, ,014, ,971, , , $ ,407 4,200 6,000, ,000, ,000 90,000 $ ,410
Part 3: Rounding Decimals
Example 1: Round the following decimal to the nearest hundredth Step 1: Underline. Step 2: Look to the right of 5. Step 3: The 5 stays the same. = 1.25 Step 4: Cut off all numbers on the right of the underlined number. underlined number.
Example 2: Round the following decimal to the nearest tenth Round the 4 to a 5, and remove all the numbers to the right of the underline. = 9.5
Example 3: Round the following money amount to the nearest penny. $ Round the 9 to a 10. Carry the 1 to make the next 9 a 10. Carry that 1 to change the 3 into a 4. = $4.00 Cut off the 8 and 1. Let’s practice!
Round the following decimals to each underlined place $ $ $7.50$860.00
Round the following numbers to the place indicated. 1. thousandths; hundredths; thousandths; nearest penny; $ tenths; tenths; hundredths; nearest dime; $ $ $65.50