New Student Orientation Spring 2010
Three Semester Program - CES -You will get your registration info next week through Classrooms should be assigned shortly for your classes.
Three Semester Program - CES -If you have Financial Aid, please be sure to submit Special Enrollment Agreement form to our office. -fees are $188/unit
Web Portal Verify that you have registered for all of the correct classes. Student teaching schedule numbers and add codes will be provided, by , in the first two weeks of the semester.
Web Portal Print out a copy of your class schedule for your records. If you need an add code, ask your instructor. You must have all courses added by the add and drop deadlines.
Web Portal The Drop Deadline is: Tuesday, February 2 nd, at 6:00 PM
Web Portal The Add Deadline is: Thursday, February 4 th, at 6:00 PM
Personal Information SDSU via the Web Portal (log on and update your info). AND… If your personal information (such as address, phone number, address, etc) changes while in the credential program you must notify:
Personal Information The School of Teacher Education (STE) Office by one of the following methods: 1. Fill out a form on our web site: and it or bring it by our office, EBA Send an to (please include your Red ID)
BA/Pre-requisite Transcripts If you completed some of the pre-requisite courses or your BA at a school other than SDSU, we need one official transcript for your file by the drop deadline. Please let an office staff member know if you will be unable to meet this deadline. If you took the courses at SDSU, please submit a copy of your unofficial transcripts from the Web Portal.
Emergency Teaching Permit If you applied for an Emergency Teaching Permit instead of the Certificate of Clearance, you must keep this permit current throughout the program. It is only valid for 1 year. Please renew online, which is the fastest way, at: and click on “renew credentials.”
Three Semester/Part Time Block Students If you haven’t already done so, you must submit a copy of your Certificate of Clearance or Emergency Teaching Permit and a copy of official passing CSET scores prior to student teaching. You can not student teach without these documents in your file.
CPR CPR needs to be completed by the start of your second semester in the program. It must be valid when applying for your credential. The course you take must include Adult, Child, and Infant CPR. Here are some places to contact: American Red Cross: (619) A-B-CPR & First Aid Training: (858) CPR Today, online class
U.S. Constitution The U.S. Constitution requirement must be fulfilled by the end of our program. You can do one of the following: Test out through the SD County Office of Education For information on this test go to, Take a course at SDSU (CCS 141A, Hist 109, 115, 409, Pol S 102 all satisfy this requirement). Take a course at a community college.
Student Teacher Handbook Please download the student teacher handbook located on our web site at: ndbook.pdf You are responsible for knowing the information this handbook contains.
Keep Copies of Everything! Our office is not able to make copies for you. Please submit copies of original documents to our office (except transcripts)
Keep Copies of Everything! Start now creating a career file or binder. Include original: CBEST and CSET score sheets TB test Letters of Recommendation Transcripts and any other important documents regarding your teaching career
Keep Copies of Everything! Request Letters of Recommendation from: block/team leader, master teachers, principals, supervisors, etc. Add these letters to your file. You will need these letters when applying for jobs in the future.
Professional Demeanor Remember, you are beginning a new profession. Although you are technically “in school” you are also out in the field making contacts for the future: Make sure you dress appropriately Be respectful and polite to all people Proofread all correspondence (including your s) Strive for excellence
Leave of Absence Contact your Team Leader about the situation. Fill out form on Web Portal. Fill out form found on the STE web site. Should something come up and you need to take a leave of absence from the program, you may do so for 2 consecutive semesters without having to re-apply. You must:
We Are Here to Help! Should you need help with anything along the way; we are all here to help. 1.Your first point of contact is your Team/Block Leader. Talk to them about any issues in placement, time conflict, leave of absences, etc. 2.Second, contact the office if you need any paperwork, registration information, or general program questions. 3.Seek advising.
Resources STE web page: SDSU web page and Web Portal: Constitution exam info: o.pdf o.pdf CCTC:
Important Addresses: Multiple Subject: Melanie Falkenberg Single Subject: Kathleen Borsos-Wooley
Important Addresses: STE Front Desk: STE Department Coordinator:
New Student Orientation Spring 2010
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