Canada-Poland Cooperation in S&T Mona Ip Canadian Embassy, Warsaw
in top 5 nations for R&D performance double federal R&D investments rank among leaders for share of public sector sales from innovations raise venture capital per capita investments to US-levels Canada’s Innovation Strategy Targets (by 2010)
NOT Research funding Network of contacts Leveraged extent of research Access to people, facilities, knowledge and results Economic impact Why build Canada-Europe partnerships?
Extensive, informal collaboration between researchers Flow of people, knowledge, technologies, services and investment Formal bilateral relationship at institution and government levels Multilateral S&T Cooperation Agreement Mechanisms for the Canada-Europe S&T Relationship
EESD 10 Growth13 Quality of life14 Human Potential6 IST27 Nuclear4 TOTAL74 Canada’s FP5 Participation
Poland is also eligible to cooperate with Canada under the European FP6 programme Building links with Canadian S&T will assist Poland in leveraging its extensive science expertise, particularly in application and commercialization of technologies Canada-Poland S&T opportunities
Biotechnology Informatics and telecommunication Microelectronics and nano- technologies New materials technologies Alternative and renewable sources of energy Shared Canada-Poland S&T Priorities
Check our web-site for more information!!
Canadian Embassy in Warsaw Tel: (48-22) / Fax: (48-22) OR E. Paola de Rose Science & Technology Counsellor Mission of Canada to the European Union CONTACT US