What is PBIS? Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports PBIS is a pro-active, systematic approach to behavior for ALL students PBIS uses evidence-based programs, practices and strategies for ALL students. PBIS is individualized – Franklin’s plan is specific to our school.
Goals of PBIS Increase academic performance Improve school safety Decrease problem behavior Establish a positive school culture Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a systemic approach to proactive, school-wide behavior based on a Response to Intervention (RtI) model. PBIS applies evidence-based programs, practices and strategies for all students to increase academic performance, improve safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish a positive school culture. Schools implementing PBIS build on existing strengths, complementing and organizing current programming and strategies. The PBIS model has been successfully implemented in thousands of schools in over 40 states, resulting in dramatic reductions in disciplinary interventions and increases in academic achievement. Data-based decision making is a hallmark of PBIS, allowing successes to be easily shared with all relevant stakeholders.
PARENT FLIGHT SCHOOL Help us teach your child to FLY!!!
Adults’ Responsibilities Teach the Expectations Reinforce and Reward Following Expectations Re-Teach if necessary ENJOY respectful, responsible children!
Franklin Behavior Expectations Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect Your School
97% of Franklin/MAF students Have followed ALL Behavior Expectations with teaching and re-teaching!
Positive Consequences Positive Behavior Referrals – 350 have been given out so far this school year! Blastinator! – 10 students have been recognized so far this year! Positive Classrooms and overall building atmosphere! Decreased number of problems noted on the playground!
“I Statements” I feel ____________________________________________________ (Say how you feel. Name that feeling.) When you _______________________________________________ (Say what the other person did to make you feel that way.) I would like you to________________________________________ (Say what you would like the other person to do to make things better) And I will _______________________________________________ (Say what you will do to make things better, too!)
You can do it! First try these skills to solve the problem on your own! Try 3 then come back to me! Walk away Ignore it Apologize Make a deal Wait and cool off Go to another area Share and take turns Stay near another friend Tell them what to do instead Talk with a friend about what to do Talk to an adult at home about what to do
It’s Your Choice! If you have a problem, brainstorm three choices and fill in the chart. Start with the one with the most Good Consequences first. And remember, TRY 3, (and if none of them work) THEN COME BACK TO ME!
Additional Parent Resources Love & Logic Parenting Classes Incredible Parents Parent Pop-Ins All Pro-Dads Skyward PTSA Volunteers in Education (VIE) Ann Peterson – Parent & Family Liaison