Increase by at least 50% the number of low- income children reading at grade level by the end of third grade in at least a dozen states. Campaign Goal Goal
Campaign Goal 3 Core Assurances Quality teaching for every child in every setting every day. Locally owned community solutions for improving school readiness, attendance, summer learning. A rational, outcomes-accountable system of care, services, and family supports for children, from birth through third grade.
Campaign Goal School Readiness Gaps in vocabulary and pre-literacy skills develop early in a child’s life. Students who arrive at kindergarten unprepared socially, emotionally and academically often behind in reading.
Campaign Goal Chronic Absence One in 10 kindergarten and 1st grade students nationally misses 10 percent of the school year. Chronic kindergarten absence correlates with lower 5th grade achievement for poor children.
Campaign Goal Summer learning loss Low-income students lose more than 2 months in reading skills over the summer months, while middle-income kids tend to gain skills. The summer slide exacerbates the achievement gap.