E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM WHY IS IT NEEDED? Corporate Requires It –Corporation is Environmentally Conscious Government Requirements –Compliance is required - fined if non- compliant Be A Good Corporate Citizen –Set a good example for the community Save Money ??????????? –All of the above
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM WHY IS IT NEEDED? Corporate Requires It –What areas does corporate want to concentrate? –Outline areas of concern –Are they relevant to your operation? Yes - Prioritize No - Advise that they are not relevant Examples for Philips –Packaging Reduction –Hazardous Material Reduction
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM WHY IS IT NEEDED? Government Requirements –Need to satisfy Air & Water Regulations –Both Local & State –Which Regulation are relevant to your operation? Hone in on all that apply Examples for Philips –Monthly sampling of Effluent –Air permit for Lacquer painting process
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM WHY IS IT NEEDED? Be A Good Corporate Citizen –Avoid Environmental Issues with Neighbors –Promote goodwill with the city –Avoid local fines and defamation of company Name - Helps Brand Name Recognition Examples for Philips –Unpleasant odor form Painting process –Amount of Aluminum concern of local Water Authority from Paint Process
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM WHY IS IT NEEDED? Save Money ??????????? Packaging –Saved cost of Cardboard and foam Paint Change - Lacquer to Water Base –HAZ-MAT became none issue - Became Small Generator - Pay for once a year removal –Air Permit Not Needed - Saved Cost of permit –Stopped Need for Monthly Sampling of Effluent - Saved Analysis cost –Unpleasant odor disappeared - No Masks
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM WHY DID WE WANT IT? Philips need to pass ISO Certification Audit as part of a Corporate Quality Effort Needed it to get and remain permit free for Air Quality. Needed to reduce Sampling schedule for county wastewater treatment plant. Continue to remain under regulated amounts of pollutants in the wastewater.
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM HOW DID WE DO IT? Formed a team from all sites and picked coordinators at each site. Developed and used a prioritizing Excel- based chart. Wrote an Environmental Policy for all sites Tied processes and procedures into ISO format. After identification of Aspects needing attention - wrote procedures to cover Wrote EMS from Procedures using ISO regulation.
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM HOW DID WE DO IT? Focus on ASPECTS Determination –Following Three slides demonstrate how we prioritized aspects and impacts on known areas of concern. Starting, Rating, Final Results Identify the areas of most concern and form plan to correct or change current practices.
Aspects Starting Page
Aspects Rating Chart
Total Results
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM HOW TO SELL EMS Focus on ASPECTS and IMPACTS where money can be saved Make sure that all savings can be tracked to the bottom line Get buy-in by showing that not only will this change help save time (?) and money, but will also help with morale of the work force Show graphs with predictive savings if possibly Show saving beyond one year - Five year plan
E NVIROMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM MAKE IT WORK Set goals and objectives that can be obtained quickly - Show success Don’t rush for Certification Review and Audit the processes developed from the formation of the EMS Make certain aspects objectives as objectives for certain personnel that are affected Get hourly and first line supervision co- operation
Example Goals & Objectives Participate in the Chamber of Commerce Air Quality Alert procedures, like last year. Have all chemicals listed and identified used in each department. Establish Baseline for Cardboard Reduction program.
EMS Change this change into a Stack of Bills Start small Think BIG! Money Talks