The SLR Experience: TTL u New and improved viewfinder Viewfinder appears larger Magnification increased to 0.87x (XTi 0.80x) Easier to see 24.5° viewing angle (XTi 22.2 °) 95% frame coverage NEW: Optional Focus Screens!
SLR Basics…
DSLR Mechanics
Mirror Shutter CMOS Sensor
DSLR Mechanics u Light enters the mirror box through the lens u It reflects off the reflex mirror to the prism u The prism corrects the orientation of the image and sends it to the viewfinder u Because the shutter and the mirror are in the way of the CMOS Image Sensor, there is no live view LCD u The BENEFIT is that you are looking through the very lens that will be taking the photo - so what you see is exactly what you get = mirror box = Shutter = CMOS Image Sensor = Mirror
EOS System Compatible with Film Cameras or Digital The World’s Largest Lens System (over 60 !)
Understanding Exposure u Instead of film – in a digital camera an Image Sensor needs to be exposed to light for a certain period of time to get a proper exposure u Not long enough – Image too Dark u Too long – Image too Bright Incorrect Exposure Good Exposure + =
u The exposure is balanced by two variables u Shutter Speed (Tv) u Aperture (Av) u Shutter Speed (Tv) is given in seconds or fraction’s of a second u Apertures (Av) are measured in F-stops u A lower F number means a Bigger opening u ie F3.5 > F5.6 TvAv Understanding Exposure
u An increase in Aperture Size means you need a Faster shutter speed to get the proper exposure u A decrease in Aperture Size means you need a slower shutter speed to get the proper exposure u Your Aperture and Shutter Speed must be balanced for a correct exposure f/22 at ½ sec f/11 at 1/6 th sec f/8.0 at 1/10 th sec f/5.6 at 1/25 th sec f/3.5 at 1/60 th sec SAME EXPOSURES Tv Av Bigger Openings Understanding Exposure