Critical Thinking Common Mistakes 1
Shooting the Messenger 5
6 Attacking the person holding onto a belief to dismiss the belief
How can Christianity be the true religion when church history is filled with wrongs? 7
Guilt by Association (Faulty Comparisons) 9
10 Observing an irrelevant similarity to a rejected entity then drawing a conclusion that’s overbroad.
You should be careful of religious groups, because they control you with their ideology, like the Nazis 11
Be careful of groups that take good care of you during times of trouble, because that’s a familiar strategy of cultic sects. 12
Religion is the opium for the masses. It promises the poor illusory happiness. 13
Exercise #1 Why do Christians gather together and listen to speakers and stuff? Isn’t that like brainwashing? 15
Circular Reasoning (Begging the Question) 16
17 Giving the reason for the belief by simply rephrasing the belief.
I am Pope Gregory the Great. How do you know I am Pope Gregory? Because I tell you I'm Pope Gregory. Why should you believe what I say? Well, because Pope Gregory wouldn't lie to you, would he? 18
I know the Bible is the word of God because it is inspired by God. 19
Miracles can’t happen, because supernatural things don’t happen. 20
Practice 22
Practice 23
Practice 24
Practice 25
Practice 26
Exercise #2 27 “We can’t know God’s will, because human beings can’t know the mind of God.”