Corporate Culture Pages 75 – 81
Corporate culture is a system of values and beliefs shared by the people within an organisation. This then affects how they behave and act towards one another.
Determinates of an organisations culture: ▫Formal written policies and objectives ▫Physical environment ▫Organisational structures and management styles ▫Organisational processes ▫Rituals and symbols ▫Language used ▫Official company documentation
Corporate culture includes observable (formal) and non-observable (informal) elements. Artefacts Values Assumptions Observable (Formal) Non- Observable (Informal )
Observable (Formal)Non-Observable (Informal) Image: mission, vision and values statements, advertising... Behaviour standards and norms Structures: management, products produced, employee recruitment... Unspoken rules Environment: location, safety emphasis, working conditions... Natural leaders
Differences in Corporate Culture All organisations have their own unique culture. Some key points of difference between organisations may include: ▫Attention to detail ▫People orientation ▫Level of competitiveness ▫Diversity amongst employees ▫Team orientation ▫Task or process orientation