The state of health care and adult social care 2014/15 David Behan Chief Executive Care Quality Commission #StateofCare
We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve This year’s report is the first time such a national assessment has been possible following the introduction of our rigorous ratings system 2 Our purpose
A challenging environment 3 Despite challenging circumstances, the majority of services have been rated as good, with some rated outstanding
There is significant variation in quality - and safety continues to be the biggest concern 4 Safety
Strong leadership is emerging as more crucial than ever to delivering good care 5 Leadership Effective planning Focus on delivering for people Culture of openness and staff engagement Willingness to collaborate with partners
Evidence increasingly shows that CQC’s work is leading to improvements in care 6 Encouraging improvement
7 Adult social care A registered manager consistently in post has a crucial influence on quality Staff recruitment and retention remain a serious challenge
8 Hospitals Creating the right culture for staff to work with autonomy and confidence Patients must feel confident to complain
Access to beds continues to be a problem 9 Mental health 8 trusts rated so far: 4 are good 3 require improvement 1 is inadequate Attitudes of all staff can have a big impact
Room for improvement in safety culture Strong link between the quality of leadership and collaborative working, and the quality of care 10 Primary medical services GP practices and GP out-of-hours services
Everyone should have the right information Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect Providers should ensure equality for their staff 11 Equality Significant variation in access, experience and outcomes
12 The future Strong leadership Good communication with staff and people using services The skills, experience and visibility of management A strong, positive and open organisational culture Learning when things go wrong Strong governance Cross-sector collaboration New models of care Better data transparency Looking to the future together Putting quality of care at the centre of change and innovation
Focusing on quality Providing better information Encouraging innovation Becoming a more efficient regulator Working with partners to encourage improvement Our new strategy for will help us to achieve these goals 13 What is CQC’s role?
Thank you #StateofCare 14