Sumerians of Mesopotamia 3,300 B.C.
I.Geography: Sumerians settle Mesopotamia around 3,300 B.C. and begin the first civilization began in the Fertile Crescent.
A.What two rivers surround the Fertile Crescent?
1. Tigris River 2. Euphrates River
B. Mesopotamia has no natural barriers (ex. mountains or deserts) for protection, therefore they were defenseless from invasion
II.Political: Sumerians established city-states—a city and its surrounding lands functioning as an independent political unity with its own ruler
A. Sumerians were ruled by monarchs (kings).
B. These monarchs passed their crown from father to son— creating dynasties (ruling families) Father Son
III. Economic—Sumerian created an economy based on farming and trade.
3.Economic—Sumerian cities produced surplus goods and food. What do you think they did with the extra goods and food?
IV. Social Life: Sumerians developed many social classes. Kings, Landowners Priests Wealthy merchants Ordinary workers Slaves
A.Religion: Sumerians were POLYTHEISTIC! Ex. Enlil – God of Storms and Air aka “The Raging Flood That Has no Rival”
B. Ziggurats – temples built to keep the gods/goddesses happy at which they made sacrifices of animals, food and wine
V. Achievements/Contributions: 1. Wheel2. Sail3. Plow
4. Cuneiform: 1 st system of writing
4. Code of Hammurabi: First set of written laws created by King Hammurabi to unify the laws throughout an empire.
A. Code of Hammurabi: