Ancient Mesopotamia “The Land Between Two Rivers” Objective: Determining how the following factors influenced groups of people to develop into the civilization called Mesopotamia PowerPoint #2
Mesopotamian Civilizations Sumerians Babylonians Mesopotamian Civilizations Chaldeans Assyrians
ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA Sumerian Civilization Believed to be settled around 3000 B.C. Divided into city-states Helped to develop the first form of organized religion Created one of the earliest form of writing
ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA city-states: self-governing unit made up of a city and its surrounding villages and farmland.
ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA Sumerian city-states Always in constant conflict over water rights and land Created walls for protection, with moats along the outside Farms were located along the outside of the city City-states are like small nations They were independent and self-governing. Had their own ruler/leader Their people shared a culture
Ancient Mesopotamia SUMERIAN RELIGION Monotheism: worshiping one god. “Mono” means one Polytheism: worshiping many gods. “Poly” means many
Ancient Mesopotamia ZIGGURAT Large pyramid shaped structures Connected to heaven and earth Ziggurat was the center for learning and religion
ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA SUMERIAN WRITING Called cuneiform (Latin for wedge) Written on clay tablets Needed for religion, government, and trade Learned in school, by males that lasted from sunrise to sunset
Cuneiform is created by pressing a pointed stylus into a clay tablet. Ancient Mesopotamia Cuneiform is created by pressing a pointed stylus into a clay tablet.
Ancient Mesopotamia Babylonians Marduk King Hammurabi Hammurabi’s Code Chief god Prayed for good harvest and success in business. King Hammurabi Ruler of Babylon Hammurabi’s Code Earliest code of law Based on equal retaliation (an eye for an eye).
Ancient Mesopotamia HAMMURABI’S CODE 282 laws. Harsh punishment for crimes. Based on equal retaliation. “ If a man bring an accusation against a man and charge him with a capital crime, but cannot prove it, the accuser, shall be put to death” “If the slave of a freed man strike the body of a freed man, his ear shall be cut off” King Hammurabi “code of laws” were carved on a great stone column and placed in the center of town for all to view.
How did agriculture change the way people lived? Agriculture (Farming) people did not have to move from place to place to hunt and gather food Growth of Cities healthier people population grew permanent homes Division of Labor (Specialization) farmers raise livestock carpenters merchants Trade Barter merchandise with others living in or out of the city Writing and Mathematics cuneiform keeping records of merchandise being bought or sold accounting
How did agriculture change the way people lived? Multi-Flow Map (be)CAUSE(of) EFFECT How did agriculture change the way people lived?
How did agriculture change the way people lived? Multi-Flow Chart (be)CAUSE(of) EFFECT Agriculture (Farming) People did not have to move from place to place to hunt and gather food. How did agriculture change the way people lived? Growth of Cities healthier people population grew permanent homes Division of Labor (specialization) farmers raise livestock carpenters merchants Trade Barter or sell merchandise with others living in or out of the city. Writing and Mathematics cuneiform keeping records of merchandise being bought or sold accounting
Ancient Mesopotamia Short Response Questions How were city-states like small nations? Why did King Hammurabi carve the “code of laws” on a great stone column and placed it in the center of town? They were independent and self-governing. Had their own ruler/leader Their people shared a culture Everyone would be able to read and understand the laws. There was no excuse for breaking the laws or understanding the consequences. The “code of laws” were linked to the god Shamash in hope that the people would take the laws seriously.
ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA SUMERIAN PASTIME Entertainment No longer had to hunt and gather. More time for fun activities. Activities Board games Instruments Bare fisted boxing Activities geared toward young and used for socializing.