The Code of Hammurabi -To discuss whether or not Hammurabi’s Code is fair or not? -To decide whether this system of laws helped the civilization or not.
Hammurabi Hammurabi was a Babylonian Ruler and perhaps one of the greatest lawgivers of ancient history. His purpose for these laws was to: –Cause justice to prevail in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak… and to further the welfare of the people. The system of laws was called the Code of Hammurabi.
The Code of Hammurabi The code of Hammurabi had 282 laws. It was arranged under headings such as trade, family, work and property. It took 3,600 lines of cuneiform to write them all down. The laws were carved on a stone table that was placed in the center of the town. On the top of the column sat Samash, the god of the sun and justice. –He is shown handing Hammurabi the laws.
Stolen Property If a citizen has stolen property of the temple or of the crown, what do you think should happen?
Stealing Children If a citizen steals a child, what do you think should happen?
Robbery If a citizen has committed a robbery, what do you think should happen to that citizen?
Hitting your father If a son strikes his father, what do you think should happen to the son?
Losing an eye If a citizen has destroyed the eye of another citizen, what do you think should happen? What if the citizen was a ruler? What if the citizen was a slave?