Mesopotamia Review
Cuneiform City-State Scribe Social Structure Canal Hammurabi Pictograph Levee Mesopotamia Chariot Culture Technology Civilization Sargon Ziggurat Irrigation
Tigris and Euphrates River To control the water and store for later. For land and access to rivers Sargon First writing system; used wedge-shapes Babylonia Specializing in specific jobs Fertile Crescent It kept the land fertile for farming Sumer A city-state To keep records of business For his system of laws Violent flooding and long droughts Iraq
Between two rivers Sumer The Epic of Gilgamesh Hammurabi’s Code Ziggurats Tigris and Euphrates Sumer broke into independent city-states Hammurabi All of the above Priests and kings City-states Cuneiform Egyptians Occupation It was developed by the Babylonians It is a list of laws that controlled people’s daily life and behavior
The ________were the first people known to live in the Fertile Crescent Sumerians
It had its own government. City-state
The two rivers that are located in Mesopotamia is Tigris and__ Euphrates River
The word Mesopotamia means __between two rivers Land
The land called Mesopotamia in ancient times is today part of Iraq
The Sumerians used irrigation to control the ___ Floods
To move from one place to another. Migrate
In what geographical region is Mesopotamia? Fertile Crescent
Method of bringing water to a field from another place to water crops Irrigation
Fertile Crescent got its name because it has rich ____and is shaped like a crescent. Soil
Skilled worker Artisan
The Sumerians invented the wheel, plow, Cuneiform, 12 month calendar, and ___ Sailboat
Cuneiform was created to keep track of __ records Business
Only __ boys could become a scribe. Rich
Record Keeper Scribe
The first kings were usually War Heroes
Worship one god Monotheistic
Sumerian temple Ziggurat
Sumerian writing Cuneiform
Sumerians people were divided into three classes Sumerians people were divided into three classes. The Kings/Priest were in what class? Upper Class
Worship more than one god Polytheistic
_____ has been called the Cradle of Civilization due to their ideas and inventions were copied and improved by other people. Mesopotamia
___is a form of government in which supreme authority is in a single person such as a King or Queen. Monarchy
Who was the king of the Akkadians who conquered all of Mesopotamia and created the first empire? Sargon I
This king of Babylon that created the first code of laws using Cuneiform that cover all aspects of live? Hammurabi.
The ___ were known for being expert sailors and the alphabet The ___ were known for being expert sailors and the alphabet. Phoenicians
An ___ is group of many different lands under one ruler Empire
What did the Hittites teach the Assyrians that helped make its army strong? How to make iron stronger
The Chaldean king that built the Hanging Gardens was__ Nebuchadnezzar
Group of traveling merchants is called a ___ Caravan
What type of calendar did the Chaldeans create? seven-day week calendar
Number 1 is__. Euphrates River
Number 2 is__. Tigris River
Number 3 is__. Babylon
Number 4 is__. Red Sea
Number 5 is__. Sumer
Number 6 is__. Mediterranean Sea
Number 7 is__. Fertile Crescent
Number 8 is__. Phoenicians
Number 9 is__. Assyria
History that happened before the invention of writing. Prehistory
Exchange of goods without using money is called a ___ Barter
Farming caused what to grow? Population
Tame animals/plants for human use Domestication
Another name for farming is__ Agriculture