Talmud Sacred collection of writings from Rabbis
Cabala Jewish belief and practice that nature of the soul is based on insights to God
Heinrich Himmler Second in power after Hitler; coordinated execution and concentration camps
Nuremburg Laws Race laws against Jews
Gentile Non-Jewish
Synagogue Jewish house of worship
Final Solution Hitler’s program to exterminate Jews
Sorbonne University in Paris; Wiesel studies philosophy
Aryan Person of German heritage with blonde hair and blue eyes
Gestapo Internal and secret police; terrorize those who go against the Nazis
Anti-Semite One who discriminates against Jews
Kraut Offensive slang for a German
The Third Reich The Nazi dictatorship in Gemany under Hitler
Kaddish Jewish prayer said after a death
SS Officer Work with Gestapo; higher rank
Passover Jewish holiday- 8 days
Pentecost Holiday celebrating Moses receiving the Ten Commandments
Ghetto Barbed wire area where Jews are held
Yom Kippur Time to fast- forgiveness for sins
Rosh Hashana New Year; apples/honey= “sweetened” New Year