HBT 28-Jun-2005 Henry Throop Department of Space Studies Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Boulder, Colorado John Bally University of Colorado DPS Pasadena, October 2006 Gap formation in Young Circumstellar Disks due to Photoevaporation from the Central star
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Photoevaporation from Central Star Historically thought unimportant due to low UV flux from central star and poor line-of-sight geometry. Hollenbach et al (1994) revived idea with indirect flux reflected off disk’s corona. Matsuyama et al (2003) found that PE would create gap, but only after disk is depleted by 10 Myr+ of viscous evolution. Alexander et al (2005, 2006) STIS measurements found photospheric UV flux from young solar-mass stars. Showed PE could make gaps, using direct illumination in flared disks. We add dust transport to latest PE model.
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Dust settles to midplane rapidly -- cm sizes in 10 5 yr
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Photoevaporation: UV flux heats gas to 1500K, heating and dissociating H 2 and allowing it to leave disk via Jeans escape d dt ~ R -5/2, for R > R G d dt = 0, for R < R G Gravitational radius R G ~ 2 AU R G ~ 2 AU RGRG RGRG
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Photoevaporation creates gap outward of R G Gas is removed but dust is retained –Dust is at midplane and inaccessible to PE –Dust has grown large enough to be retained RGRG RGRG
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Viscous evolution fills in gap with new dust, gas RGRG RGRG
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Process continues: Gas is removed and dust is transported inward RGRG RGRG
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Final state: Gas depleted in gap Dust enhanced in gap Dust:Gas ratio D / G increased to point that gravitational instability can rapidly form planetesimals (Skkiya 1997; Youdin & Shu 2002) RGRG RGRG
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Disk Model Disk –MMSN disk surrounding solar-mass star –Flared disk –Viscous evolution, = 0.01 (e.g., Pringle 1981) Photoevaporation –Central star flux ionizing photons/sec –Alexander et al 2005; Hollenbach et al Dust Transport –Dust settles to midplane rapidly (< Myr) –Dust grains are radially transported viscously –Radial transport stops when gas is depleted –Dust:gas ratio 1:100
HBT 28-Jun-2005
Photoevaporation Off
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Photoevaporation On
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Photoevaporation On GI unstable region
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Conclusions and Implications Gas disk in region ~2-10 AU is depleted on Myr timescales –Faster than viscous timescales, but compatible with observations of disk lifetimes –Gap formation will be slower for disks > 1 MMSN Dust, planetesimals concentrated at gap Planetesimals can be formed via GI, if not formed already May speed formation of gas giant cores, but limits envelope accretion timescales In dense clusters (OB associations), effects of PE are additive! –External star: Removes disk from outside in (Johnstone et al 1998; Throop & Bally 2005) –Central star: Removes disks from inside out
HBT 28-Jun-2005
Planetesimal Formation Two methods: –Sticking –Gravitational Instability
HBT 28-Jun-2005 Photo-Evaporation Triggered Instability Gravitational collapse of dust in disk can occur if sufficiently low gas:dust ratio (Sekiya 1997; Youdin & Shu 2004) g / d < 10 (I.e., reduction by 10x of original gas mass) PE removes gas and leaves most dust –Grain growth and settling promote this further Dust disk collapse provides a rapid path to planetesimal formation, without requiring particle sticking. Throop & Bally 2005