ITBS Preparation Test taking Stategies
ITBS stands for Iowa Test of Basic Skills All 8 th graders get to take the ITBS.
The ITBS test consists of 5 parts: The ITBS test consists of 5 parts: –Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension –Language Arts –Social Studies –Science –Math Each section is 30 minutes long.
ITBS is not an I.Q. Test. You are not expected to know everything. You can not fail this test, but it is very important that you do your very best. ITBS is not an I.Q. Test. You are not expected to know everything. You can not fail this test, but it is very important that you do your very best.
ITBS scores stay in your file – they reflect what you have learned up to this point.
They are used to qualify you for awards and classes in junior high and high school.
You need to eat a good breakfast each morning that you are testing (and good lunch if it’s an afternoon class). It has been proven that you do better on tests when you have energy from food.
Get adequate sleep the night before.
Remember that your first response is usually correct. Do not change an answer unless you are absolutely sure the second answer is correct.
If you do change your mind, erase completely.
Come to class prepared with a number 2 pencil. You may also bring a calculator on Tuesday, September 22.
Some test questions may be very difficult. It is possible that you will not know how to do the problem. In this case, just skip to the next problem and then go back, as time allows, at the end of the test. If you still have no idea at least guess. Do not leave any questions blank unless you run out of time.
This is a timed test. Do not take too much time on any one problem.
STAY FOCUSED! Don’t let anyone around you distract you while you are working.
Bring a book to read if you finish early.
Mark your boxes dark enough so that the machine can read it when it’s scored. (You can go back and darken them in when you are all finished.)
Don’t be uptight – you are only competing with yourself.
Please be in attendance during test weeks. Make ups are difficult and take away from your regular classes, causing more homework.
You are representing RMJH as well as yourself – so do your VERY BEST – that’s all that we ask.