Meiosis Graphic Organizer For this Activity You will Need: Blue Colored Pencil Red Colored Pencil Green Colored Pencil Yellow Colored Pencil Lead Pencil
Goal of Meiosis THINK! – What is the goal of meiosis? Fill the answer into the box on your graphic organizer. To create 4 sex cells (sperm or egg) each with HALF the number of DNA molecules (chromosomes) as the original cell
Interphase I DNA Replicates (doubles)
Prophase I Duplicated Chromosome pairs match up. Let’s say the normal chromosome # is 4… Duplicated Chromosome pairs match up. (1 from mom & 1 from dad in each pair)
Metaphase I Chromosome pairs line up in the middle of the cell
Anaphase I Chromosome pairs split. NO centromere breaking!
Telophase I
Cytokinesis I
Interphase II NO DNA Replication (no doubling as must reduce the chromosome # in half)
Prophase II
Metaphase II Duplicated Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cells
Anaphase II Duplicated Chromosomes split. Centromeres break.
Telophase II
Cytokinesis II 2 2 2 2 4 Sex Cells
Male vs. Female Meiosis Males – All 4 sex cells are healthy and used Females – During cytokinesis one egg cell HOGS all the cytoplasm. The other 3 cells shrivel and die. Thus, only one cell is healthy and usable BRAIN POP – Fertilization & Birth United Streaming Video Clip: Meiosis (3:48) Meiosis Animation_Glencoe Pay attention to these video clips to see meiosis in action.