8th Grade Reading Mrs. Candice Geske Room #7 Phone: school # Required Materials for Class: #2 pencil (preferably mechanical) blue or black ink pen (no gels) red ink pen (no gels) 2 highlighters 1 70 page spiral 1 composition book 1 folder Grading Policy Daily Work (Vocabulary, Daily Practice, etc..) 40% Reader’s Responses 25% Quizzes/Tests and/or Class Projects 35% 1. All assignments are graded on a 100% scale. 2. All assignments are due on the assigned due date. Late homework will have 30 points deducted if submitted the day after the due date. 3. If homework is still not submitted, a zero will be given and detention will be assigned. 4. If you can’t put your name on your paper, I won’t grade it and it will be trashed. 5. Grades are posted on the online system as quickly as possible. Grading all types of writing, takes extra time, so please be patient. Classroom Rules 1. Be respectful of self, others, and property. 2. Be in your seat before the tardy bell or you will be counted tardy. 3. Be prepared with materials for class. If you have to return to your locker to retrieve classroom materials, you will be counted tardy. 3 tardies equal pink slip. 4. Bring a positive attitude. 5. No gum. Bring to Class Daily: Spiral Planner Pencil pouch with: pen pencil highlighter red pen “Parents can only give good advice or put their children on the right path, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their hands.” --Anne Frank
Absences : If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed in class that day. You will be given the same number of days that you missed to turn in your missing work. I will not remind you to collect and turn in your makeup work. There is a set of colored daily folders hanging in my room which will contain the week’s work. Discipline : Behavior: 1 st Infraction: Verbal warning 2 nd Infraction: note, phone call, lunch detention or text message home 3 rd Infraction: Discipline referral will be submitted to Mr. Sundre No homework can result in after school detention with Mrs. Geske. Extra Help: If you need extra help on any assignment, please come and see me before or after school. Be responsible for your learning!! “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it from you.” --B.B. King
I have read and understand what is expected of me in my 8 th grade reading class. I will follow and abide by all rules and expectations. I am responsible for my learning. _______________________ ______________ Student Signature Date I have read my child’s rules and expectations for 8th grade reading. I will encourage my child to be responsible for their success. _______________________ _____________________ _____________ Parent/Guardian Signature Parent Cell Number Date After reading and reviewing the 8th grade Reading syllabus, please sign this slip and return to Mrs. Geske. After reading and reviewing the 8 th grade reading syllabus, please sign this slip and return to Mrs. Geske. I have read and understand what is expected of me in my 8 th grade reading class. I will follow and abide by all rules and expectations. I am responsible for my learning. _______________________ ______________ Student Signature Date I have read my child’s rules and expectations for 8 th grade reading. I will encourage my child to be responsible for their success. If you would like to receive text messages regarding your child’s progress in my class, please write your cell phone number below. _______________________ ______________________ _____________ Parent/Guardian Signature Parent Cell Number Date