HOW TO FILL OUT A PARSCORE FORM Genius 40% of ALL Students make errors on their ParScore Forms DON’T BE AN ERROR VICTIM!
THE RIGHT TYPE OF PENCIL Use a # 2 Pencil! Other types of pencils can lead to grading errors I didn’t know my pencil was that important! NO PENS ALLOWED!
Write and Bubble in your Banner ID in the ID Number box without the ID Number, Name, & Course with Section # Print your Name, Course and Section number CLEARLY Example (Smith, John) (MGT ) I can do this!
Test Form & Exam Number OPTIONAL: Your instructor should inform you if you are taking a multiple version test. Make sure to fill in the bubble of the Test Form you are taking. Do Not Mark in the Exam Number Box Don’t forget this part or else your test can not be graded
MY ANSWERS Make sure to mark your answers clearly on the form. DO NOT! Mark answers with a single line, forget to erase errors completely, or forget to fill in answers More Errors Happen HERE than you think CORRECT INCORRECT