Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 1 1 Networking of National Platforms of ”Food for Life” András Sebők*, Kitti Németh** Coordinators of the collaboration of national platforms *Scientific Coordinator of the Hungarian National Technology Platform ”Food for Life”, ETP Board Member. ** Representative of the Slovakian National Technology Platform Food for Life, Member of the WG on Horizontal Activities
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 2 Role of national platforms of ETP ”Food for Life” For achieving the aims of the ETP the involvement of stakeholders both at European and national level is necessary strengthening innovation for stimulating competitiveness national differences in strengths, resources, opportunities, strategies, priorities harmonising use of national and EU private and public resources ensuring efficient technology transfer considering needs and benefits of the local consumers Voice of the industry should reflect also the view of the SMEs Several key activities and the majority of the implementation have to be carried out at national level
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 3 Why we need national platforms of ETP Food for Life? Collecting and transmitting the shared views, needs, priorities of the national stakeholders under the guidance of the industry Transmitting collective knowledge of the ETP (Vision, SRA, Implementation Plan) to national industry and other stakeholders Facilitation of partnership between national stakeholders – including the involvement of SMEs Framework for technology transfer, communication Framework for sustainable collaboration in R+D between industry and research providers. Lobbying Acknowledgement of food industry innovation Achieving a balanced view Biofuels are not alternative, but complementary to food processing
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 4 Challenges to national platforms Increasing trust Food businesses - getting practical support from research providers - collaborating with peers, sharing resources SMEs- benefits of investing into R+D and innovation Research providers- feasibility, benefits of working with the industry Ensuring funding for operation Ensuring funding to R+D projects Enhance efficient use of resources Use of available knowledge Collective research, marketing and supply chain management
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 5 Why we need networking of national platforms? Our knowledge, experience is limited Research networks – more experience is available Industry innovation forums, networks – only a few examples SPES Learning from each other for mutual benefits Lobbying Benchmarking Helping the new starters Understand cultural differences – basis for trans-national business and research collaboration
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 6 Critical factors for progress (1) To understand the research needs of SMEs, who frequently do not know them themselves To understand the differences in main drivers, success criteria and time frame for different stakeholders in R+D activities and ensuring benefits for all of them Food businesses - multinationals and large companies - SMEs Researchers - universities and public research institutes Government Differences in drivers for organisations and individuals To understand national and regional differences – Europe is not uniform
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 7 Critical factors for progress (2) Improving the efficiency of knowledge transfer Open and realistic view SMEs, - specifically in new member countries and accession countries - have very limited resources – they focus mostly on a few priorities related to immediate needs / short term Collective research, clustering, networking of SMEs, supply chain management approaches, loan schemes may help, but they are operating properly currently in a few countries only There are significant differences between the current situation and potential improvements in the future Networking of national platforms can increase efficiency.
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 8 Proposed questions for future discussion 1.How to increase the impact of the national technology platforms (NTPs) on enhancing innovation of food businesses to stimulate competitiveness ? 2.Specific aspects of increasing SMEs involvement to food industry innovation ? 3.How to get better acknowledgement of NTPs by national authorities and funding bodies? 4.Clarification of the function and operation of NTPs? 5.How to ensure appropriate human resources for the future?
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 9 Proposed future activities for collaboration of NTPs ”Food for Life” Regular networking activities Periodic meetings (frequency?) Sharing knowledge and experiences inventories successful experiences best practices Joint actions with shared resources Supporting members involvement in collaborative R+D projects
Rome © Campden & Chorleywood Mo. Kht 10 Proposed future activities for collaboration of NTPs ”Food for Life” Inventories potential activities existing networks funding schemes funding value best arguments Inventory of successful methods of NTPs Discussion of successful experiences in technology transfer