1 LRPC Draft Work Program February – March 2006
2 Where Are We? The previous Long Range Planning Committee has correctly identified the non-viability of current HQ arrangements At the FBM, there was strong agreement that decisions should be taken in the context of a comprehensive strategy for ICS to be developed by a reconstituted LRPC This pack proposes a method and framework of working for this committee The objective is to circulate outcomes/recommendations by 1 March 2006 to allow decisions to be taken at the SBM on 1 st April 2006
3 LRPC Membership Lawrence Paratz (Chair) GMT +11 Monica Reichelt (Secretary) Mark Pfeiffer Shirley Nelson Bill Harris Karl Hipp (Pres. ICS. Ex Officio) GMT
4 What We are Aiming For at SBM Board adoption and endorsement of LRPC Report Board adoption for action of all LRPC recommendations LRPC to be put into recess with implementation transferred to Officers
5 Work Process The Committee will meet by phone hookup Bridge Dial-In Number TBA by JvB Papers etc to be circulated prior to meetings
6 What Will I need to participate in the Phone Hookups? A handsfree phone in a quiet location –Preferably with a mute button A PC loaded with any documents to be discussed It is not necessary to be on-line to the internet during the conference, although it might be handy at times
7 Deliverables Definitive Plan for the Products & Services that ICS will provide going forward Definitive Plan for ICS “Corporate” activities Definitive Marketing Plan for ICS Definitive Plan for how members and non-members contact ICS and what happens when they do Recommendations for implementation of this plan with emphasis on initial steps Definitive recommendations on fees policy Recommendations on Communication of the strategy to ICS members
8 LRPC - ICS Products & Value - A plan for each Tips Technical Advice Operational Advice Bookshop Merchandise Info for people thinking about buying Social Activities Fly-Ins Training Discountsb Tool Library Parts leads Rare Parts History and experience of the type Magazine Contact with other Local and Global owners Full archive of all maintenance and operational data Representation with Regulatory Bodies International events