FIRSTLY, PICK THE RIGHT QUESTION Each question will ask you to do TWO things: 1.Choose a suitable text for the question. 2.Carry out the task the question asks you to do. (Usually two parts to the question)
How to Pick 1. My text is totally unsuitable. I could not do this question. 2. My text is not really suitable. I would do this question only if all the others were impossible. 3. My text would do, but it is not the most obvious or natural choice. 4. My text fits this question fairly well 5. My text is a perfect match.
1.Choose a film in which a particular sequence is crucial to your understanding of an important theme. By referring to the sequence and to the text as a whole, show why you consider the sequence to be so important to your understanding of the theme. 2.Choose a film which presents a life-affirming story. By referring to key elements of the text, show how the story has such an effect. 3.Choose a film in which intense feeling have tragic consequences. Show to what extent the film makers’ presentation of these feelings and their consequences is successful in engaging you with the text. 4.Choose a film in which a complex character is revealed. Show how the film or programme makers reveal the complexity and discuss to what extent this aspect of the character contributes to your response to the text.
The single most common fault in the critical essay is failure to focus on the question asked.
The second part of the question will set your task. Choose a film in which a particular sequence is crucial to your understanding of an important theme. By referring to the sequence and to the text as a whole, show why you consider the sequence to be so important to your understanding of the theme. What does this (Opening Sequence)… … tell you about this? (the narrative) What are the themes and HOW does the opening sequence help you to understand them?
Highlight the key words … use them and answer them! Choose a film in which a particular sequence is crucial to your understanding of an important theme. By referring to the sequence and to the text as a whole, show why you consider the sequence to be so important to your understanding of the theme.
What are you being asked to do? 1.Refer to the opening sequence by describing it in detail. 2.Explain how the opening sequence is crucial to the text as a whole. 3.Show how the opening sequence is crucial to your understanding of the central themes of the movie.
You must also refer to APPROPRIATE LITERARY TECHNIQUES. Answers to questions on film and TV drama should address relevantly the central concern(s)/theme(s) of the text(s) and be supported by reference to appropriate techniques of film such as: key sequences, characterisation, conflict, structure, plot, dialogue, editing/montage, sound/soundtrack, aspects of mise-en-sene (such as lighting, colour, use of camera, costume, props …) mood, setting, casting, exploitation of genre..
Planning an essay about opening sequence/text as a whole Elements of Opening Sequence Relevance to Text as a Whole Themes Explored
How to Write an Introduction … 1.Identify the Text and Author 2.Use words from the beginning of the question and explain why the chosen text is suitable for the question. 3.Include a sentence or two summarising the text (but no more than a sentence or two!) 4.Refer to the words that set the task in the second sentence of the question. 5.Give an brief idea on how the rest of the essay is going to develop in order to fulfil this task.
e.g. In the film, “Hunger” directed by Steve McQueen, the opening sequence is crucial in developing the idea that some social and political beliefs are worth fighting for. “Hunger”, set primarily within Belfast’s Maze Prison, provides a harrowing look at the conflict between Northern Irish Republicans and the British Loyalists during “The Troubles” and in particular, during the 1984 hunger strikes which were lead by IRA activist, Bobby Sands. The opening sequence of this film allows the reader to understand the brewing social and political unrest festering in Northern Ireland at that time and also appreciate the extremes that people will go to, to fight for, and defend their cause.
Again … What are you being asked to do? 1.Refer to the opening sequence by describing it in detail. 2.Explain how the opening sequence is crucial to the text as a whole. 3.Show how the opening sequence is crucial to your understanding of the central themes of the movie.
Now begin answering the question … 1.Begins with diegetic noise (banging) which is slowly revealed as angry visitors to the prison. 2.Foreshadows the violent and confronting scenes that arise throughout the film 3.Helps us to appreciate the anger and determination of the Republicans and their feelings of injustice at the treatment of their men.
What else???? Follow the notes in your planning …. Stick to the question Explain yourself in detail Relate scenes back to how it helps you to understand a theme/idea/message in the film. Keep using key words and link your comments back to the question to show that you are not wandering away from the topic.
Planning an essay about opening sequence/text as a whole Elements of Opening Sequence Relevance to Text as a Whole Themes Explored Establishing shot showing street where guard lives Point of view shot – guard looking under the car Neatly laid out clothes, breakfast served, silence Middle class protestant area – quiet and settled Reflects the very real violence and tension that people had to deal with Guard represents the rigidity of the British government – uncompromising and inflexible Religion and social disparities between the protestants and the catholics Extent people will go to, to make a statement and progress their cause. Idea that there will be no compromise in the struggle for power and control.