Definition: Demonstrate your understanding of how international and global institutions target national & local British audiences. Definition: Demonstrate your understanding of how international and global institutions target national & local British audiences. Key Point British independent film makers often make social realism films aimed at local & regional audiences. Whereas this would never be enough for the majors who tend to make high budget, high concept films. Key Point British independent film makers often make social realism films aimed at local & regional audiences. Whereas this would never be enough for the majors who tend to make high budget, high concept films. National Local Audience Mass/Niche Cultural/Social Issues KEY TERMS
Film: National: Relating to or belonging to a nation or country. In the Western market, Mainstream Hollywood studios (Majors) make up to 90% of all box office revenue. A major film studio (Such as WB) will make films that are targeted at mass audiences globally. Thanks to large finances available, majors can hire the industries best actors (star power), shoot in global locations & include state-of-the-art special effects. Therefore, the majority of major films are targeted at national audiences (countries) around the globe.
Local: Relating to or applicable to a city or town. In film, Independent Cinema (Indies) are limited releases designed to reach specific audiences. An indie film studio (Such as Big Talk) will make films that are targeted at niche audiences. They are often distinguishable by their controversial content, style or personal artistic vision. They are made with considerably lower budgets than major releases. Therefore, the majority of indie films are targeted at local audiences (Areas/Towns/Cities/Demographic). Film: