7 Sep 2011: Progress Meeting Hydraulic Performance of Staggered- Barrel Culverts for Stream Crossings
Agenda Introductions By-Task Progress Problems Miscellaneous Lab Visit
Introductions Researchers: Project Management Committee: Visitors:
Project Background Develop knowledge to address the issue of solids accommodation in Texas Department of Transportation low-water crossing structures (not bridges). To develop design guidelines to assist in building multiple barrel systems that mimic the necessary stream behavior to facilitate solids migration.
Progress by Tasks Brief by-task report. –Task 1: Literature Review –Task 2: Screening Tools –Task 3: Quantitative Modeling –Task 4: Data Analysis –Task 5: Reporting
Task 1: Literature Review TM1 submitted. –Copies on server Database(s) assembled. –QA/QC complete.
Task 2: Screening tool(s). Database dependent –QA/QC on-going as just reported –Prototype screening tool exists –USGS is programming for team deployment. –Prototype runs OK on PC, will not run on Mac (but should) –TM2 was due July 2011 –PD reminded RS about TM2. TM2 to be completed before end of CY 2011, probably sooner.
Task 2: Screening tool(s). Database dependent –QA/QC on-going as just reported –Prototype screening tool exists –USGS is programming for team deployment. – #guiTaskItem2_demohttp://tx.cr.usgs.gov/jvrabel/WATER_index.html #guiTaskItem2_demo –TM2 was due July 2011 –PD reminded RS about TM2. TM2 to be completed before end of CY 2011, probably sooner.
Task 3: Quantitative modeling. Laboratory system functional. –Have solids in-place and will demonstrate today. –Experimental program ended August 31 –Large fraction of planned experiments were conducted. –Data interpretation FY12 (CY11-12)
Task 3: Quantitative modeling. Certain experiments were omitted Sand – entirely omitted, could not keep sand in model. Gravel sizes changed to reflect mobility from first few months of experimental program. Slopes different to fit actual model capabilities.
Task 4: Data Analysis. 2-D/2-phase computer program (UH researchers) to guide experiments. FaSTMECH CFD computer program (TTU) to extrapolate to larger scales. CAP-R (Culvert Analysis Program – R) to provide design and performance guidance.
Task 4: Data Analysis. 2-D/2-phase computer program (UH researchers) to interpret experiments.
UH Activities 1D coupled morphodynamics profile model People: Ruosen Qian (MS), Kyle Strom Database refinement for screening tool People: Kyle Strom (Task 2) HEC-RAS modeling of Real County crossing People: Miguel Albuja (UG), Guillo Machado (UG), Kyle Strom
1D Morphodynamic Model Purpose of model Dynamic modeling of culvert reach that accounts for deposition/erosion (data analysis) Upscaling of lab model results (data analysis)
1D Morphodynamic Model
Progress Validated model Pure open channel with movable bed and variable width (transcritical flow) Open/pressured flow in a circular pipe Ruosen graduated in August
1D Morphodynamic Model Equations Continuity: Saint Venant: Exner: Methods MacCormack Finite Difference TVD Modification to sources terms
1D Morphodynamic Model Transcritical flow
1D Morphodynamic Model Bed aggradation due to sediment overloading
1D Morphodynamic Model Bed degrading due to base level drop
1D Morphodynamic Model
Remaining work 1D morphodynamic model – Use culvert equations as internal boundary conditions with dynamic bed equation to capture changes in culvert geometry. Screening tool – Aid TTU and USGS in tool development HEC-RAS – Finish analysis of Real County and a hypothetical case to determine extent to which HEC-RAS can be helpful in analysis.
Real County LWC still looks good looking downstream
upstream downstream
Task 4: Data Analysis. FasTMECH CFD computer program (TTU) to extrapolate to larger scales.
Task 4: Data Analysis. CAP-R (Culvert Analysis Program – R) to provide design and performance guidance.
Task 5: Reporting. SAR submitted end of August Monthly reports on server; Project start to June 2011 should be there. TM1 submitted TM2 in-progress TM3, TM4 pending. Final Report FY12 (Draft August 2012)
Problems Encountered Took longer to start experiments than anticipated. –Weir calibration –Leaks, computers failing, etc. Boundary conditions in 1D not continuous from free-surface to pressure flow Screening Tool MatLab compiler not producing architecture independent application)
Miscellaneous Present provisional results at ASCE/EWRI in ABQ next May.
Laboratory Tour Visit laboratory and see demonstration of how experiments were conducted. Underwater video, ADV Solids motion