Zeynep Erim, PhD Program Director, Division of Interdisciplinary Training National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering NIBIB’s Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) Challenge
Program Elements Part of rethinking of NIBIB’s support of undergraduate BME education Companion to the Team-Based Design in Biomedical Education R25 program America COMPETES! Act Open to teams of 3 or more undergraduate students Faculty sponsor from Biomedical/Bioengineering dept.
Novel Features Design projects in 3 categories – Diagnostic Devices/Methods – Therapeutic Devices/Methods – Technology to Aid Underserved Populations and Individuals with Disabilities Focused on design $10,000 prize for each category Up to $2,000 for travel to award ceremony Open only to US citizens and permanent residents
Outcomes Received31entries from19universities in14states engaging a total of136students Received61entries from39universities in23states engaging a total of284students
Looking Ahead Increase participation – Expand eligibility – Modify rules – Work with partners Your suggestions, experiences? Award ceremony: Friday 10:30am, Rm 6E