Caleb’s Creek Volunteer Training Monday, September 29, 2014 Rita McPhatter – Volunteer Faculty Advisor Shelby Isaacson – PTA Volunteer Coordinators Dawn Rymes – PTA President
Why we need Volunteers Improves and strengthens the school community. Foster’s understanding of the school’s routines and procedures. Provides opportunities for programs that could not otherwise take place.
A Teamwork Approach Express a genuine interest in students and the school community. Follow the lead of the staff. Maintain a professional attitude. Be a role model for students. Understand and use the channels of communication.
Effective Ways to Work with Children Accept each child as he/she is Be warm and friendly; show interest; listen to them Use positive comments; encourage; compliment Respect a child’s privacy-even your own Be available for children-resist the temptation to focus on your own child
High School Students High school students serving as volunteers need to complete the online VSA High school student volunteers do not have to be screened High school students should not be assigned to Unsupervised volunteer duties
College Students/Interns/Student Teachers College students, adult interns and student teachers must be screened using the same volunteer guidelines as other volunteers if they serve in a volunteer capacity. (When not under direct supervision of teacher or staff) Require college students to complete the VSA
Volunteer Orientation Supervised volunteers Those volunteers who have direct access with and controlled access to students under the supervision of the professional staff. (Ex: Reading/lunch buddies, class volunteers, day field trip chaperones & health room assistants Supervised volunteers must complete the online Volunteer Services Application form Yearly national sex offender check, nightly NC criminal infractions’ monitoring
Supervised Volunteers Level I Lunch buddies In-class volunteers Day field trip chaperones Corporate Volunteers Program tutors Health room assistants
Unsupervised Volunteers Volunteers with additional screening conducted, due to direct contact with and supervision of students for extended periods of time without direct supervision of the professional staff (Ex: Volunteer athletic coaches, after hours remediation tutors, Corporate Volunteers, and one- on-one mentors). Unsupervised volunteers must provide their SS# National criminal background check, yearly national sex offender check, nightly NC criminal infractions’ monitoring Volunteer Orientation
Unsupervised Volunteers Level II Volunteer athletics coaches After school remediation/tutors Overnight field trip chaperones After school one-on-one mentors
Attendance Records To implement Board policy of providing supplemental health and medical insurance for volunteers who suffer an injury in the course and scope of their volunteer services If the on-line VSA is not completed and the volunteer properly registered, WS/FCS policy will not provide supplemental accident insurance coverage Used to determine accurate number of hours contributed to school by volunteers. Serves as a comparison of number of volunteer hours contributed to each school Grant applications/School Improvement Teams
Universal Screening Allow 45 days lead time for approval Volunteer must be approved prior to asking or requiring volunteer pay field trip fees Criminal History Check must be completed once during the volunteer’s lifetime WS/FCS reserves the right to review volunteer criminal history at any time pertinent information is received requiring an additional review
Use of Tobacco Products Pursuant to Board Policy 1331, use of tobacco products is prohibited at all times in any building, facility, or vehicle owned, leased, rented or chartered by the Board or a school, on any school grounds and property, including athletic fields and parking lots, owned, leased, rented or chartered by the Board, or at any school- sponsored or school-related event on- campus or off-campus.
Dress Code for Volunteers Volunteers are expected to exhibit a neat, well- groomed appearance. WS/FCS Policy and AR set reasonable standards for dress and appearance applying to volunteers as well as school employees. The school and the WS/FCS will not be liable for damage to clothing or accessories while volunteers are on duty. WS/FCS may pay up to $ for damage to a volunteer’s personal property, including clothing, resulting from malicious or intentional acts of students or others which is not otherwise covered by a volunteer’s, homeowner’s, renter’s or any other form of property insurance.
Use of Telephones Use of School Telephones. Volunteers are discouraged from making local personal calls on school telephones. Personal use of telephones for long-distance calls by volunteers at school is not allowed, except in the case of emergency. Use of Cell Phones. Volunteers shall turn off their cell phones whenever they are in a classroom while instruction is taking place.
Tips for Volunteers Confidentiality is extremely important. Accept direction from staff. Feel Free to ask questions. Be Flexible. Remember, children are always watching.