Mrs. Chandel Haslett Middle School 7 th Grade Science
Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives by Robert J. Marzano Two types of goals: Students will be able to ___________________. (Skills or Activities) Students will understand ___________________. (Content or Learning Goal) I thought most GLCEs were learning goals, and I turned that into an activity or skill goal
Level 1 – Retrieval with help Level 2 – Retrieval Level 3 – Comprehension or Analysis Level 4 – Analysis or Knowledge Utilization
Recognizing Recalling Executing I use these for my vocabulary at a score 2
Integrating Symbolizing I use these for the score 3 scores sometimes
Matching Classifying Analyzing Errors Generalizing Specifying I use these for score 3 or 4 scores
Decision Making Problem Solving Experimenting Investigating I use these for a 4 score This is usually a little more than the goal I have for students. It goes above and beyond the GLCE
P.PM Describe how the elements within the Periodic Table are organized by similar properties into families (highly reactive metals, less reactive metals, highly reactive nonmetals, and some almost completely nonreactive gases).
Start with changing the learning goal or GLCE into an activity or skill 3.0 Score: The student will diagram the different families and vocabulary words in the periodic table. Then looking at the Analysis or Knowledge Utilization terms and develop an activity for a more advanced goal 4.0 Score: The student will decide what element is being described using their knowledge of how the periodic table of elements is arranged
Then I looked for vocabulary that related to the GLCE in the companion document and book. 2.0 Score: The student will recognize and recall specific terminology, such as: Periodic table Period Group Alkaline metals Halogens Noble gases Atomic number Atomic mass Metal Non Metal Metalloid
All assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects have a Part A. Part A is the vocabulary, or the retrieval. If they can do this with help they get a 1, but if they can do it on their own they get a 2 2 out of 4 is 50%, but they know the vocabulary which is the base of the knowledge. Students get a C- for a 50%. (I can change the percentages for letter grades in the computer system used – Skyward)
Part B is also on all assignments, tests, quizzes and projects. This is the overall goal I have for each student. These are based off the GLCES This is a 3 score ¾ is a 75%, but students know what the state wants them to know so they get an A- (changing next year to a B or B+)
Part C is also on all assignments, tests, quizzes and projects. This is beyond the goal I have for students, so students who reach the goal early have something to work for. This is a 4 score This is an A+ score
Students get 3 assignments and a quiz that factor into the overall grade. If they have the four scores 1, 2, 3, 4 then they get a 4 in the computer, because they know the information in Part C Students also get a matching test score to show if they were able to retain or understand better as time went on.
Students who get material slower are not penalized. A majority or the grade is based on an understanding of the content, not if they are a good student. (80% performance, and 20% Homework and random classwork) Students are able to track their progress (if feedback is given in a timely manner)
Vocabulary is on every assignment. Students can see the progression of knowledge. (hopefully part a gets easier, then part b and so on) Student are aware of what they are supposed to learn. There are no surprises! Students can chunk information throughout the week of the goal to learn the material easier. All assignments and daily goals are differentiated because each student focuses on where they are along the scale.
Grading takes a lot longer. Remake every assignment, quiz, test, project, etc. the first year
Sometimes students trade and grade. They write their book number instead of names. They know how they did right away. (immediate feedback) Ensures we go over the assignments. Next year everything will be made. This year I do use a lot of last years assignments, however to organize and remake does take a long time.
Give Common Assessment as pre test Not one student recognized the test when they took it 3 months later. Give students a report at the end with their pre- assessment score, assignment and quiz score, test score, and common assessment score. Students can find patterns and analyze the data. (Science Rocks!!)
The Highly Engaged Classroom by Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering Designing & Teaching Learning Goals and Objectives by Robert J. Marzano Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading by Robert J. Marzano