Work Station A Web Sites that can help you understand various AP Calculus Topics. To get credit for this activity you must have your work station stamped.
Video Calculus Copyright 2005, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston Created by Selwyn Hollis Copyright 2005Selwyn Hollis To view these lectures, you need a high speed internet connection, Version 7 of Apple's QuickTime player installed on your computerVersion 7 of Apple's QuickTime player installed on your computer (it's free), and we highly recommend that you use the Mozilla Firefox Browser (also free).Mozilla Firefox Browser Two versions of each video are provided. The first uses the Sorenson Video 3 format (SV3) and is viewable with QuickTime 6. The (relatively) new QuickTime 7 will allow you to view the smaller H.264 versions of the videos.H.264 Several Videos Used as Study Aids That Can Help You Understand AP Calculus Finds any derivative or integration problems with graphs and detail explanation on how to get the answer. It does the problem out for you! Annotated Solutions to Past Free-Response Questions This material is provided to you as a supplement to the book Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam. You are not authorized to publish or distribute it in any form without our permission. However, you may print out one copy of this chapter for personal use and for face-to-face teaching for each copy of the Be Prepared book that you own or receive from your school. Find limit problems showing how to get the answer step-by-step With a library of over 3,600 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history3,600 videos and hundreds of skills to practice, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when youhundreds of skills to practicewe're on a mission want, at your own pace. About PatrickJMT Free Math Videos - I like math and I like sharing my limited understanding of it. * Most popular supplemental math education channel on Youtube, based on views and subscribers * These videos are intended to be a supplement to what a (hopefully) good teacher is preparing for you. Spend 15 minutes exploring the web-sites below The AP Calculus AB Exam covers differential and integral calculus topics that are typically included in introductory calculus courses at the college level. Because graphing calculator use is an integral part of the course, the exam contains questions that require students to use a graphing calculator. Students cannot take both the Calculus AB and Calculus BC exams during the same year.
Using the web sites on page 1: As a group find a solution to a derivative problem that you had a difficult time understanding. Share your answer with another group. Using the web sites on page 1: As a group find a solution to a limit problem that you had a difficult time understanding. Share your answer with another group.
Work Station B Play the Derivative Matching Game. See how well you conceptually understand the meaning of Derivative To get credit for this activity you must have your work station stamped.
Use the chart on the next page to keep track of the graphs seen in the game.
Use the chart on this page to keep track of the graphs seen in the game.
Work Station C How do position, velocity, and acceleration connect to graphs? To get credit for this activity you must have your work station stamped.
Put your answers below. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
(a) When is the particle moving left?________________________________ (b) When is the particle moving right?______________________________ (c) When is the particle standing still?_______________________________ (d) Graph the particle’s velocity and speed where it is defined. The graph shows the position s(t) of a particle moving along a horizontal coordinate axis. s(in.) t(sec) s(in.) t(sec) s(in.) t(sec) velocity (in/sec) speed (in/sec) Use graphs below to answer Part d
Work Station D Write a story that represents the graph seen on the next page. Your story must reflect a real world situation. This means it could be humorous. I want to be entertained when your group read your story to me. Each Group will work together to create Just one story. To get credit for this activity you must have your work station stamped.
11 This is the graph of v(t) Put you story below. Please make it entertaining. Make sure you have a label for the x and y axis.
Work Station E Take the AP Exam on the topics you worked on during the Saturday Work Session. Match your answer as a group. Try to decide as a group the best answer. Check your answers to see what you got right or wrong. You must correct any answer your group got wrong. To get credit for this activity you must have your work station stamped.
1 and 2,
4. 5.
6. 7.
& 10,
(a) Where is acceleration undefined? (b) Find the time at which the object has its maximum speed. (c) Where are/is the point/s of inflection? (g) When is acceleration zero? (d) When is the object going downward? (h) When is the object resting? (e) When does the object change direction? (f) Where is/are the local maximum and minimum? (i) Where is the position function undefined? No explanation is required for this question. Just write the correct intervals. 16. Refer to the graph of velocity of an object as a function of time to answer the questions seen below. The graph below is made up of four line segments and a vertical asymptote at t = 8. The domain is restricted to [-4, 12].
Work Station F Complete the survey on the next page. Your comments will help us design the next Saturday AP Work Session. To get credit for this activity you must have your work station stamped.
Did you have fun at the Saturday work session? Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Comment Did you have a positive learning experience? Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Comment Did you like the format used at the Saturday work session? Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Comment Do you plan on coming to other Saturday work sessions? Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Comment Did you like working in groups? Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Comment Please Answer the Survey Below (a) (b) (d) (e) (c) What might you change to make the Saturday session better. What topic or topics do you want us to cover on the next Saturday work session? Did this Saturday Work Session meet your expectations? What is the one positive experience you had from the Saturday Work Session.
Ticket Out Think of a word that best describes your experience at the Saturday AP Calculus Work Session Just put it in the rectangle and you are done!