The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Matthew 23:1-36 In our previous lesson on this subject, we considered vv.1- 15, so we will concentrate on vv.16-36.


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Presentation transcript:

The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Matthew 23:1-36 In our previous lesson on this subject, we considered vv.1- 15, so we will concentrate on vv this time. We noted that Jesus warned of several characteristics of these people which should be avoided:  Adding to the Word of God, vv.2-4;  Making a Show of Religion, vv.5-10;  Shutting Off the Kingdom of Heaven, v.13;  Devouring Widow’s Houses, v.14; and  Making Proselytes to Their Brand of Religion, v.15.

The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Characteristics of the Scribes and Pharisees we should avoid: Looking for Loopholes, vv – Deut.23:23 and Lev.19:12 were clear and concise. – But the Scribes and Pharisees had, in their interpretations, created loopholes which legalized lying, vv.16,18. – Though their vows sounded genuine, they did not have to be kept unless precise words were used- at least in theory. – The Jews would never swear by God’s name directly, cf. Ex.20:7, but instead swore by things associated with Him, like the altar (sacrifice), the Temple (gold), and heaven (throne). – This parsing for pretence was plain old lying, Matt.5: – If/when we begin looking for and utilizing loopholes to keep from doing what is right, we are no better than they- whether it is to avoid baptism, or to allow MDR for unscriptural reasons, Rev.21:8.

The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Characteristics of the Scribes and Pharisees we should avoid: Neglecting Weightier Provisions of Law, vv – This is a forest and trees issue; focusing on the minutia (miniscule) to the neglecting of the massive (main). – They tithed (to give a tenth) of the smallest herbs and seeds commonly kept in Jewish households, but neglected:  Justice, 7:1-5  Mercy, 9:10-13; 12:1-8  Faithfulness- 23: – While they thought they were doing “much” by being concerned with “little” things, Jesus said they were neglecting “much” to do “little.” They were majoring in minors….and minoring in majors. If we aren’t careful, our zeal to be “right” in everything can become obsessive, and lead us to the same ends, v.24.

The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Characteristics of the Scribes and Pharisees we should avoid: Choosing Reputation over Character, vv – We’ve already noted how interested they were in appearances and reputation- how they wanted men to see them, cf. vv.5-10; but now we see their character- how God sees them, 1Sam.16:7. – But, notice also that they “cleaned” the “outside”- they made special efforts to keep the part others saw clean, while apparently being unconcerned with what God saw. This is hypocrisy epitomized, cf. 2Tim.3:1-5. – This choice (of reputation over character) evolved into robbery/plundering (v.14), and self-indulgence (v.4). – When we live with the world, it is easy to become overly concerned with what it thinks of you, Luke 6:26; but when we live with God, His estimation of us is much more important, John 15: Choose character over reputation every time!

The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Characteristics of the Scribes and Pharisees we should avoid: Using Religion as a Cover, vv – In many ways this is a repeat of the previous “woe”- but with the added element of whitewashing. The outside of the cup was at least “cleaned.” The outside of the tomb was just painted over. – This is more than just being overly concerned with what others think; it is using a pious façade of religion to cover wickedness. In other words, they hid their wickedness with “religion,” cf.21:13. – Tombs were then whitewashed not so much to make them beautiful, but to make them noticeable so that their “uncleanness” could be avoided, cf. Num.19:16; Luke 11:44. – Jesus’ point is that the scribes and Pharisees should be avoided because they would make one unclean- just as would dead bones and graves! Beware lest your “religion” becomes just a concealment of your spiritual deadness and uncleanness.

The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Characteristics of the Scribes and Pharisees we should avoid: Denial of Own Reality, vv – The scribes and Pharisees sought to align themselves with the righteous martyrs by building the tombs and adorning their monuments, but in reality were doing the same things as their fathers who killed the prophets, cf. 21:23 > > 23:34. – It is very easy for us- any of us, to sit back and say “I/we would have never done that…why couldn’t they see” in regard to Israel of the O.T., or the Jewish leadership of the Gospels. – But, we had better be very careful (1Cor.10:12), lest we become sons of our spiritual forefathers! – Seeing ourselves the way we want to rather than the way God sees us can lead to all sorts of misguided “religious fervor.” And, if we’re not very careful, we can wind up persecuting instead of preaching, cf. Rom.10:1-3; Acts 26:9-15.

The Scribes, Pharisees, and Us? Part 2 Conclusions: Characteristics of the Scribes and Pharisees we should avoid: » Looking for Loopholes » Majoring in Minors » Choosing Reputation over Character » Hiding in “Religion” » Denial of Our Own Reality