A Political Machine Toppled by a Political Cartoon Starring: William Marcy Tweed Thomas Nast
The Flock to the Cities Immigrants from all over Europe came pouring into North Eastern cities. With very little money, knowledge of the culture and language, WHO COULD THEY DEPEND ON?????
Enter...Boss Tweed By 1870, he was so powerful and had so many of his friends (known as his "Tweed Ring" cronies) in political positions that he was able to pass a new city charter allowing him and his friends to control the city treasury. Between 1865 and 1871, Tweed and his associates stole approximately $200 million from the city.
Boss Tweed and the vote m/index.cfm?guidAssetId=75EAC6D 0-AA44-49F9-AF6C- F391F0E7728D&blnFromSearch=1&p roductcode=US# m/index.cfm?guidAssetId=75EAC6D 0-AA44-49F9-AF6C- F391F0E7728D&blnFromSearch=1&p roductcode=US# m/index.cfm?guidAssetId=75EAC6D 0-AA44-49F9-AF6C- F391F0E7728D&blnFromSearch=1&p roductcode=US#
A growing movement was determined to expose and overthrow Tweed. Cartoonist Thomas Nast also helped spark public outrage against Tweed by creating wicked caricatures of him in Harper's Weekly magazine. THE INFAMOUS TAMMANY TIGER!!!
Tweed unsuccessfully attempted to bribe Nast to leave him alone, but on November 19, 1873, Tweed was tried and convicted on charges of forgery and larceny. In the debtor's prison, he was allowed daily trips, accompanied by the jailer, to see his family. On one of these trips, in December 1875, he escaped and fled to Spain.
He was a fugitive there for a year, working as a common seaman on a Spanish ship until he was recognized by his likeness to a Nast cartoon and captured. He died in a debtor's prison on April 12, 1878.
Who is Thomas Nast?? Long considered the greatest American political cartoonist. He is most famous for his work against Boss Tweed; Tweed said, “My constituents can’t read. But darn it, they can see pictures!”
Also known for… Along with the Tammany Tiger, Nast also: –Created the Republican Elephant –Popularized the Democratic Donkey –Was the first to portray Santa Claus as the jolly, rotund, red-nosed character that is so familiar today.
YOUR JOB: SSSStudy the Thomas Nast cartoons with your groupmates. AAAAnswer the questions that follow together. RRRReport back to the class your findings.