Maxine Greene and Howard Gardner Group 4: Chris Denker, Jamie Hartman, and Nicole Wilson
Maxine Greene: Biography Education Undergraduate Degree from Barnard College Masters and PhD from New York University Career Instructor and Professor New York Universiry, Montclair State College, Brooklyn College, Teachers College Columbia University A Brief Look at Her Contributions President of Several Organizations Author of Numerous Books Maxine Greene Foundation
Maxine Greene: Contributions Maxine Greene on Doing Philosophy –Teacher as a stranger –Existentialism –Wide awakeness
Maxine Greene: Contributions Continued Maxine Greene on aesthetics, art and literature Maxine Greene on imagination. Maxine Greene on freedom.
Howard Gardner: Biography Education Harvard University Career Lecturer and Professor of Education Harvard University and Boston University School of Medicine A Brief Look at His Contributions Author of Several Books Project Zero Debut of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner: Contributions Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner: Contributions Continued Project Zero GoodWork Project