Facilitator’s Roundtable MnM report May 2013
Sunday Q3 - Planning Completed scheduling of WG sessions RIM ballot reconciliation – Finalized tooling and methodology requirements for setting “fixed values” for repeating elements such as the blocked context conduction attributes – Completed reconciliation Datatype vocabulary schemas – Agreed on strategy for isolating vocabularies from DTR2 so they can evolve
Monday Q1 – FHIR methodology Renamed “mustUnderstand” to “isModifier” and added rule that if “isModifier” is true, notes must specify what interpretation the element modifies Discussed message paradigm and Profile resource Discussed security guidance provided in FHIR
Monday Q2 – FHIR methodology Naming guidelines developed – Use “type” rather than “code” – Avoid “date” as a name – need to indicate type of date Want definition of terms like “author” and “subject” to be consistent where used, though no requirement same term be used everywhere Reiterated that no context conduction in FHIR
Monday Q3 – FHIR & ITS More FHIR QA resolution & technical issues Minutes taken by ITS
Tuesday Q2 – “Ask MnM” Occupational Data for Health – Discussed retrieval of patient’s occupation & occupation history
Wednesday Q1 – Vocab Human Language – Determined to split existing HumanLanguage concept domain into two. – Existing one will remain universally bound to IETF language and used by data types – New one will be bound as “representative” to IETF language and used by LanguageCommunication.code RIM attribute
Wednesday Q1 – Vocab (cont’d) Core principles – Still undergoing reconciliation – Future version will introduce: Binding intensity Clarification of mechanism for using blockedContextConduction attributes Clarify meaning when MIN value set is missing Management of link between Body and Glossary Allowing URIs as means of identifying Code Systems and value sets
Wednesday Q2 – Vocab, FHIR Discussed FHIR vocabulary QA items Discussed review process for value sets and concept domains – Will be seeking volunteers soon Discussed Vocabulary representation in Profile resource
Wednesday Q3 – Host FHIR Completed reconciliation of outstanding FHIR QA responses
Thursday Q1 - FHIR Mapping resources to RIM – Will seek “hand waving” definitions for all FHIR elements for DSTU ballot – Will look at providing simple validation of those prior to DSTU publication – Will investigate & test a more robust mapping syntax that allows inference via OWL
Thursday Q2 SAIF Artifact Definition – Discussed revitalization steps – Will be tackling on MnM calls – Discussed “purpose” of SAIF definitions Improve consistency & traceability?
Thursday Q4 Discussed versioning & inter-version interoperability
Friday Q2 – FHIR Continue discussion of versioning & inter- version interoperability Other FHIR methodology issues