Europe and North America Members: Isabella Flores Isabella Lanza
Cold War: This was a conflicto between 1945 and 1989 in which western democracies and Eastern communist countries competed for power without using their armies directly against one another.
Although they did not fight each other directly, the United States and Soviet Union built up their armies and weapons to discourage the other side from attacking. The builldup, called the Arms Race.
Two hot wars: Korea and Vietnam Korea After WW II, Korea was divided became the 38th parrallel of latitude. North Korea: Became a communist ally of the Soviet Union. South Korea: Became a noncommunist goverment and was supported by United States. Tension occurred because goverments in North and South Korea wanted to ruled Korea. Vietnam United States became involved in Vietnam Korea was divieded into a communist Northern State and Noncommunist Southern State. Rebels in the South (viet cong)wanted to united the country under communist rule.
The Soviet Union Falls and Europe Unites Gorbachev sougth an end to costly Cold War tensions, changed the economy to democracies. He launched a two-pronged effort at reform. Firts, he called for glasnot, or openness. He ended censorship and encouraged people to emply discuss yhe countrys problems. He urged Perestroika, which meant the restructing of the goverment and economy. Some people tried to owerthrow him and bring bacl the old –style communism. Gorbachev resinged as president.After 74 years the old soviet Union came to and end in 1991.
Toward European Unity France, West Germany, Belguim Italy, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg set up the European Coal and Steel Commnity. This agency set prices, regulated coal and Steel indrustries, and increased economic growth in Western Europe. Also sined a treaty to form ¨European Community or Common Market¨ expanded free trade, ended tariffs on godos and allowed workers and capital to move freely across national borders. Its powers were limited, because member states remained independent.
European Union Members in 2003 Eu MembersJoined Founding members: Belguim, France, Germany,Italy, Luxemburg, the Nertherlands 1958 Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom.1973 Greece1981 Portugal, Spain1986 Austria, Finland, Sweden.1995 Cyprus,Czech Republican,Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, 2004
European Union The Eu pushed for completed economic unity and grether political unity. National Passport, which gave citizens from member states greater mobility, or freedom to move around.
Strong Nations and Economies in North America. When the communist goverment collapsed in the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States stood alone as the worlds only superpower. Militarily, the United States is the stongest country in the world and spends more on defense tan all the other countries of the world combined. Like the United States, Canada is also a nation shaped by immigrats. Canada,too, ranks among the major democratic, industrial power Economic competition led to disputes over trade and tariffs between the United States and Canada.