A school on the outskirts of Ango, northeastern Congo, lies abandoned following an attack on the village by the Lord’s Resistance Army. ©Marcus Bleasdale/VII Photo
Democratic Republic of Congo After nearly a decade of renewed fighting, Congolese security forces continue to carry out politically motivated arrests and other abuses against members of opposition parties, journalists, and human rights activists. They use civilians, resources and local facilities without a thought to consequences. Schools are no exception when... Personnel from a military camp that was set up on a hill just above a school took the school’s benches and doors to burn when they ran out of firewood. The troops were “feeding off the school and local community,” as they sent their children to the school but refused to pay fees (which the headteacher relied on to keep the school going). During the Ndorumo massacre, the coalition soldiers set up a military position at the local primary school and told the population not to be frightened since they were government soldiers who had come to bring peace. Within just two hours of their arrival, the coalition forces called a meeting at the local school, but as people gathered they began to shoot and kill civilians. In 2011, FARDC was responsible for several incidents of destruction of schools, mainly involving looting, and in two cases the use of schools. In 2012, the national armed forces were responsible for the military use of 11 schools and FDLR for 1 school.
Democratic Republic of Congo Testimonies “The soldiers arrived at the school and said they wanted to meet with the population. Some civilians had already gathered in the classrooms when they instead started killing us. They said we were being punished for being complicit with the FDLR, but there weren’t even FDLR in our village when they attacked.” - a local tribal chief in Ndorumo.
Democratic Republic of Congo Resources Report: Children and armed conflict: Report of the Secretary-General, 2012 Children and armed conflict: Report of the Secretary-General, 2012 Report: Children and armed conflict: Report of the Secretary-General, 2013Children and armed conflict: Report of the Secretary-General, 2013 Report: The Future is Now: Education for Children in Countries Affected by ConflictThe Future is Now: Education for Children in Countries Affected by Conflict HRW Report: “You Will Be Punished” Attacks on Civilians in Eastern Congo“You Will Be Punished” Attacks on Civilians in Eastern Congo