PPDG update l We want to join PPDG l They want PHENIX to join NSF also wants this l Issue is to identify our goals/projects Ingredients: What we need/want to make PHENIX analysis better What we foresee wanting 2 years from now What projects are at the top of PPDG to do list short term areas PPDG would like manpower in What we promised the NSF we’d do Opportunities for collaboration/coordination with STAR What we might take to DOE as research opportunity
Grid use that would help PHENIX l Data management Replica management to/from remote sites Management of simulated data Replica management within RCF l Job management Simulated events generation and analysis Centralized analysis of summary data at remote sites List made ~ 6 months ago
What we want (soon) l Extend replica database to more sites Use for better file transfers l Job management tools Automation of simulated data generation Centralized analysis of summary data at remote sites (this is what we told NSF we will work on) l Web interface for analysis jobs integrate grid tools hide “extra” work from users insulate users from changes made underneath them e.g. file selection, site selection, gather statistics … allow reliable data simulation by non-experts (Zhiping has started working on this)
What PPDG wants l Evaluation/understanding of PHENIX needs common to PPDG (willing to spend some $, but what do they seek?) l Work on documenting the interface to replica catalogs, and explore possibility for common interface (plug & play?!) between SAM, and/or SRB l Suggestions for us to consider Make contact with CONDOR group on job management
What STAR is up to l More work on grid file transfer Including HPSS -> disk (yes data carousel is in there!) l Job management Web based job submission Multiple sites (I think) Monitoring included/being worked on l Jerome is happy to discuss with us What STAR has Opportunities for joint developments
Some homework… l File management Collect requirements and specifications for file replication tasks. l Web portal Zhiping follow up previous work, submit something simple to ram0 Zhiping (with help from Andrei) touch BNL with globus Barbara define goal functionality for prototype (and ultimate) web analysis interface l Job management Research what others are now doing on job management (e.g. Atlas Grappa, CMS Caigee/Clarens, Chimera) Andrei l Planning/coordination with PPDG (Barbara to start)
Requirements for simulation jobs l Job specifications Conditions & particle types to simulate Number of events May need embedding into real events (multiplicity effects) l I/O requirements I=database access for run # ranges, detector geometry O= the big requirement send files to RCF for further processing eventually can reduce to DST volume for RCF import l Job sequence requirements Initially rather small, only interaction is random # seed Eventually: hits generation -> response -> reconstruction l Site selection criteria CPU cycles! Also buffer disk space & access for expert