When Animals Come to Dinner… animal control in specialty crops Dr. Christine Coker Associate Research and Extension Professor of Urban Horticulture Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center Beaumont Horticultural Unit
Outline Basic Principles Management Options Types of Pests Specific Pests and Control Strategies
Basic Principles
Habitats and Habits The area that provides an animal with with all of its basic survival needs-- food water shelter space is known as habitat.
Habit refers to the behavior of an individual animal or species.
Management Options
Lethal Methods Baiting
Trapping Rabbit trapGroundhog trap
Nonlethal Methods Exclusion Repellents Frightening devices Live trapping Aversives
Scare Devices © Contech Electronics Inc Using heat and motion sensors, Critter Gitter detects animals as they enter your yard or garden. The Critter Gitter emits a startling high- pitched sound and flashes L.E.D. lights. The sudden sound and light frightens the animals away HTML Copyright© 2000 MCIC Copyright© 2000 Wildlife Control TechnologyMCICWildlife Control Technology
Battery-Powered Energizer for Pets and Gardens Fi-Shock Inc. Description: Prevents damage from animal mischief. Operates off two D-Cell batteries. Includes a mounting stake which makes for easy installation when driven into the ground. Cat & Dog Stop Contech Electronics Inc. Description: The built-in motion sensor detects the animal entering the area and emits a piercing, high decibel alarm. It startles the cat and frightens it away. Since the sound is ultrasonic you and your neighbors cannot hear it. It is also effective on dogs, squirrels and other small animals.
What kind of critter do you have? Below-ground Above- and below-ground Above-ground Fliers
Below-Ground Pests Moles Pocket gophers
Mole Trap Dig a hole down to main tunnel. Make certain that hole is no larger than the trap and that it is aligned with straight section of tunnel. Build a mound in center of hole using loose soil. Place trap in hole, pushing down firmly until it rests on mound. Fill in tunnel entrances with soil. Release safety hook.
Above- and Below-ground Pests Woodchucks Ground squirrels Chipmunks Rabbits Voles
Rabbits Exclusion Short fence Repellents Thiram Trapping Live trap Scare Devices Noisemakers metallic flashing Habitat Alterations Remove brambles
Above-ground Pests Tree squirrels Rats and mice Raccoons Deer
Fliers Birds Bats
Bats © Bat Conservation International, Inc., 2002 HTML Copyright© 2000 MCIC Copyright© 2000 Wildlife Control TechnologyMCICWildlife Control Technology
Deer Physiology Deer are ruminants Four-chambered stomach (like cows) Deer eat 6 to 8 lbs. of plant material each day Deer can and will eat anything plants, twigs, pebbles, etc.
Control Strategies
Large-scale exclusion Repellents Scare devices
Large-scale Exclusion Fencing
Havahart Putrescent Egg Spray Active ingredient: Putrescent whole egg solids
XP-20 Active ingredient: Thiram
Hinder Active ingredient: Ammonium salts of higher fatty acids
Grant’s Active ingredient: benzyl diethyl[(2,6 xylyl carbomoyl) methyl] ammonium benzoate Also known as bitrex.
Ro-Pel Active ingredient: benzyl diethyl[(2,6 xylyl carbomoyl) methyl] ammonium benzoate Also known as bitrex.
Recommendations No single treatment will solve your animal damage problem. A combination strategy works best.
Additional Resources
WordPress: veggiedr.wordpress.com