1 (One-shot) Mechanism Design with Partial Revelation Nathanaël Hyafil, Craig Boutilier IJCAI 2007 Department of Computer Science University of Toronto
2 Bargaining for a Car Luggage Capacity? Two Door? Cost? Engine Size? Color? Options? $$
3 Mechanism Design Mechanism design tackles this: Design rules of game to induce behavior that leads to maximization of some objective (e.g., social welfare, revenue,...) Objective value depends on private information held by self-interested agents Elicitation + Incentives
4 Partial Revelation Mechanism Design Problem: Stating full utility is intractable Costs: communication, computational… Partial Revelation: what preference info is relevant to decision? when is the elicitation cost worth the improvement in decision quality? how to deal with incentives ?
5 Overview Mechanism Design Background Partial Revelation Mechanisms (PRM) Regret-based PRMs Partition Optimization Experimental Results
6 Basic Social Choice Setup Choice of x from outcomes X (e.g. cars) Agents 1..n: type t i T i and valuation v i (x, t i ) Type vectors: t T Goal: implement social choice function f: T X e.g., social welfare SW(x,t) = v i (x, t i ) Quasi-linear utility: u i (x, i,t i ) = v i (x, t i ) - i Our focus: social welfare maximization
7 Basic Mechanism Design A direct mechanism M consists of three components: types T i allocation function m: T X payment functions p i : T R Mechanism is incentive compatible: (IC) In equilibrium, agents reveal truthfully Dominant Strategy IC Regardless of what others report, agent i should always tell the truth
8 Properties Mechanism is efficient: maximizes social welfare given reported types: -efficient: within of optimal social welfare Mechanism is Individually Rational: (IR) no agent can lose by participating -IR: can lose at most
9 Direct Mechanisms Revelation principle: focus on direct mechanisms where agents directly and (in eq.) truthfully reveal their full types For example, Groves scheme (e.g., VCG): choose efficient allocation and use payment function: incentive compatible in dominant strategies efficient, individually rational
10 Cost of Full Revelation Communication costs Computation costs Cognitive costs Privacy costs INTRACTABLE! Partial revelation?
11 Existing Work on Partial Revelation [Conen,Hudson,Sandholm, Parkes, Nisan&Segal, Blumrosen&Nisan, …] Full revelation not always necessary for optimal decision (though worst-case is exponential: [Nisan&Segal05]) Most Approaches: require enough revelation for optimal VCG outcome sequential, not one-shot / specific settings (1-item,CAs) BUT: optimal decision not always worth the costs Partial revelation:Trade-off elicitation costs with decision quality e.g. Priority games [Blumrosen&Nisan 02] Can we maintain incentives?
12 Overview Mechanism Design Background Partial Revelation Mechanisms (PRM) Regret-based PRMs Partition Optimization Experimental Results
13 Partial Revelation Mechanisms A partial type is any subset i T i e.g. v(red,2doors) [50,75], etc… A one-shot (direct) partial revelation mechanism set i of partial types, i. (typically partition, not required) m: X, chooses allocation m( ) p i : R, sets payment p i ( ) A truthful strategy: report i s.t. t i i Goal: Tradeoff “quality” with revelation/communication costs maintain appropriate incentives
14 Partial Revelation MD: Negative Results Partial revelation can’t generally maximize SW must allocate under type uncertainty Roberts: Dominant-IC (affine) SW maximizer, Partial revelation no Dominant-IC What are some solutions? relax solution concept to BNE / Ex-Post relax solution concept to approximate dominant-IC
15 Partial Revelation MD: Negative Results Avoid Roberts by relaxing solution concept? Bayes-Nash Equilibrium Theorem: Bayes-Nash IC PRM with certain form of partitions Trivial mechanism Consequences: max expected SW = same as best trivial max expected revenue = same as best trivial “Useless” Ex-Post Equilibrium:Same
16 Approximate Incentives : bound on utility gain difference b/w u(best lie) and u(truth) Considerable costs of manipulation: Uncertainty over others’ types Valuation + computational costs If is small enough Formal, approximate IC practical, exact IC
17 Overview Mechanism Design Background Partial Revelation Mechanisms (PRM) Regret-based PRMs Partition Optimization Experimental Results
18 Regret-based PRMs In any PRM, how is allocation to be chosen? x*( ) is minimax-regret optimal decision for A regret-based PRM: m( )=x*( ) for all
19 Regret-based PRMs: Efficiency Obs: If MR(x*( ), ) for all , then regret- based PRM m is -efficient for truthtelling agents. We can tradeoff efficiency for elicitation effort More elicitation effort more refined ’s smaller Incentives?
20 Regret-based PRMs: Incentives Can generalize Groves payments f i ( - i ): arbitrary type in -i and h i ( - i ) an arbitrary function of - i Theorem: Let m be a regret-based PRM with partial types and a partial Groves payment scheme. If MR(x*( ), ) for all , then m is -dominant incentive compatible
21 Approximate Incentives and IR Can generalize Clark payments to get -IR A Clark-style regret-based PRM gives approximate Efficiency approximate Incentive Compatibility approximate Individual Rationality (Increased revenue from flexible payments) Allows tradeoff “quality” vs revelation costs as long as we can find a good set of partial types
22 Overview Mechanism Design Background Partial Revelation Mechanisms (PRM) Regret-based PRMs Partition Optimization Experimental Results
23 (One-shot) Partial Type Optimization Designing PRM: must pick partial types we focus on bounds on utility parameters Use regret-based heuristics to estimate VOI i : p1p1 p2p2
24 The Mechanism Tree ( 1,… i,… n ) Worst-case Heuristic: Split 1
25 The Mechanism Tree ( ’ 1,… i,… n )( ’’ 1,… i,… n ) ( 1,… i,… n ) Worst-case Heuristic: Split i
26 The Mechanism Tree ( ’ 1,… i,… n )( ’’ 1,… i,… n ) ( ’ 1,… ’ i,… )( ’ 1,… ’’ i,… ) ( 1,… i,… n ) More details necessary to make it tractable
27 Empirical Results Negotiation problem 1 buyer, 1 seller, 4 boolean attributes valuation/cost given by factored model (GAI) 16 values/costs specified by 8 parameters Compare: uniform partitioning vs. regret-based heuristic worst-case and expected (uniform prior)
28 Empirical Results average = vs 11 bits (40% savings) worst = vs 11 bits (50% savings)
29 Empirical Results Mechanism accounts for all types Initial regret: % of optimal (depending on actual type vector) With 11 bits (1.4 bits/param, 0.7 bits/good): 20-56% of optimal (regret) vs 30-86% (uniform) 60% reduction of vs 38%
30 Contributions Negative Results Exact incentives “useless” Regret-based PRMs Trade-off “quality” with revelation costs Partial Types Optimization Avoid exponential blow-up Use regret to guide elicitation effectively
31 Current + Future Work Sequential PRMs (Hyafil Boutilier AAAI 06) Formal model manipulation and revelation costs formal, exact IC explicit revelation/quality trade-off Partial Revelation Automated Mech Design General objective functions include “execution costs”
33 Regret-based PRMs: Rationality Can generalize Clark payments as well f i ( - i ): arbitrary type in -I Thm: Let m be a regret-based PRM with partial types and a partial Clark payment scheme. If MR(x*( ), ) for all , then m is -individually rational.
34 (One-shot) Partial Type Optimization Designing PRM: must pick partial types we focus on bounds on utility parameters A simple greedy approach Let be current partial type vectors (initially {T} ) Let =( 1,… i,… n ) be partial type vector with greatest MMR Choose agent i and suitable split of partial type i into ’ i and ’’ i Replace all [ i ] by pair of vectors: i ’ i ; ’’ i Repeat until bound is acceptable
35 The Mechanism Tree ( ’ 1,… i,… n )( ’’ 1,… i,… n ) ( ’ 1,… ’ i,… )( ’ 1,… ’’ i,… )( ’’ 1,… ’ i,… )( ’’ 1,… ’’ i,… ) ( 1,… i,… n ) Worst-case Heuristic: Split 1 Heuristic: Split i *
36 A More Refined Approach Simple model has drawbacks exponential blowup (“naïve” resolution) split of i useful in reducing regret in one partial type vector , but is applied at all partial type vectors Refinement: variable resolution apply split only at leaves where it is “useful” Ignore on other leaves keeps tree from blowing up, saves computation new splits traded off against “cached” splits
37 Naïve vs. Variable Resolution ii p1p1 p2p2 ii p1p1 p2p2
38 Heuristic for Choosing Splits Adapted from single agent preference elicitation techniques: Current Solution Strategy Let be partial type vector with max MR optimal solution x* regret-maximizing witness x w intuition: focus on parameters that contribute to regret reducing u.b. on x w or increasing l.b. on x* helps But: have to account for both “answers” Here: also consider second best MR