Generalization Principle Theory Evidence Example: I believe that all students are capable of learning
Concrete information Attributes/ character traits Facts Explanations Example: My name is Melissa McCormick. I have been teaching at Loomis School for 2 years. I have 3 dogs, 2 snakes, 1 lizzard, and a frog.
Specialized vocabulary Skills, tools or tasks used by people working within a field (discipline) Example: Some of the words that I use in my job are: student, study, homework, academic, CAT 6, and SST. The equipment I use are dry erase boards, markers, computers, pencils, and paper.
Repeats Predictable Example: Every day over the summer I would get up in the morning, go swim for an hour, get ready for school and then walk a mile to school. That was my morning pattern. Now I get up, get ready, and drive to see you every day!
Structure Order Hierarchy Explanation Example: Some of the school rules are no gum, no hats on in the classroom, walk on the side walks, no riding bikes on campus.
Patterns of change over time Example: When I was in 7 th grade, the trend was to wear Ditto jeans. listen to Michael Jackson, and watch Dallas (the TV show).
Discrepancies Missing parts Unclear ideas Incomplete ideas Example: I wonder what kind of year this is going to be? Are all my students going to earn straight A’s?
Example: I believe people should be respectful of one another, be polite, ask questions of others, and want to learn more. Rules/values or standards held for “right” conduct or practice Moral principles that rule conduct
Changes between past, present and future Change within a specific time period Example: When I first came to Loomis I did not know any of the teachers, over time I got to be friends with them all, some of my friends have left now and there are new teachers to get to know.
Multiple perspectives Opposing viewpoints Differing roles & knowledge-base Example: I think hard work is fun and it always pays off in the end, however most of my students just think work is “hard”!
Connect Associate Link ideas Example: This year I will link Language Arts and Social Studies by having you read, write, and do projects about subjects we are learning about in Social Studies. So you will be working on SS and LA at the same time.