“were a hoot”
This programme consists of people reacting to the current media(News, Music videos, Adverts). I will sit 5 guest and show them some media and recorded there reaction and ask them a few questions then get their overall opinion on the media.
This show will consist of myself and three different guests baking three different cakes. With one of my guests I will be baking a chocolate biscuit cake, with my second guest I will be baking a cheesecake with marzipan, a chocolate biscuit cake and a chocolate candy cake. My target audience are teenagers/ people who like food. I wanted to do it because a lot of people enjoy cooking shows and they are quite entertaining for some. I will have 3 guests one each to help me cook the three different cakes.
This will be a music video for a song from “The Fault in Our Stars” soundtrack which is by Ed Sheeran. My target audience will be teenagers, music fanatics and Ed Sheeran fans. I wanted to do this because I like music and so do a lot of other people and everyone likes some kind of music so a lot of people would like. I may need actors
I am planning to make my own video of one my favourite songs called: “How Good it Was ‟ by The Courteeners. Here is the link for the music video: Who: I am wanting to aim for people who like Indie/Rock and like stories. Why: The reasons why are because: I am wanting to people to enjoy the music of the Courteeners. See people enjoying a story such as this. Entertain them. How: I will be doing this by the following equipment, actors/actresses etc. and who long it may take: Using Camera with certain camera angels, such as these - A full camera shot, a headshot a medium shot and a distance shot. I need six or seven people to perform for the video. I need a actress to preform as an ex girlfriend and the rest can be friends of her. It needs to be recorded inside of three different locations, theses are – A bedroom, anywhere inside of the college and the town. There is no costumes needed in the video recording. There is going to be no cost for equipment, only for travelling. This may take around two month edit and produce.
I am going to make a documentary over Footballers Wages. I am wanting to produce this so people notice that footballers are getting more wages than people working hard, for a nurse, a doctor and a solider. Who: I am only aiming for adults so they can understand footballers get more wages than normal day workers around Stockton-On-Tees. Why: The reason why is because I am wanting people to show footballers get more wages than a person working for the NHS for example. How: I am going to able to do this documentary by using this certain equipment, actors/actresses etc. and how long it may take to produce this: Using a camera with basic camera angles. There is only going to be one costume, for me to use which is a suit I am going to only need three actors/actresses. There will be cost for the equipment but only for travelling It will take around two month to edit and produce.
Here is the subtotal of the equipment we are needing, the material cost, travel cost and other costs. It comes to the price of £1, This one is because of Mitchell wanting to have a fancy chair on his show which costs us £30 These points are showing the reasons why it is costing this. This is because of it needing to travel to three different destinations
There has only been one hour on meetings/reports. I have not went anywhere on the other costs or Project Delivery due to there being nothing at this moment in time needed for this. You can see the total price: £1, This is for the amount of time we have had having meetings. Which is around one hour.
Our show contains a series of different television programmes designed to please a range of teenage audiences. For example: we have tastes for both the minority and the majority. We have; Music, Food, (sweet and savoury) Reviews, Reactions, voxpops, documentaries and interviews.
I will have an introduction, explaining who I am, and what the programme is about, before interviewing a range of people. (between 4 – 6) These people will tell me their favourite my chemical romance video, I will then play the video. I shall repeat this for all the interviewees, I will then summarise the contents of the video before saying goodbye. I will be filming the ‘interviews’ on the college site, either in a quiet room, or using the green screen. It will take approximately 8 hours to produce
My segment consists of five people reacting to the current media. Then I will interview them with a few question then get their overall opinion, recording them the whole time. The location will be in room D103 in Stockton sixth form college. In addition I will need a green screen to have the interviews in. I will require two cameras and a web cam and posh, comfy sofas. I want the production to take 3 hrs maximum but it my take longer.
The most popular platform to watch shows on (apart form televisions) is smartphones and laptops. So it would befit our programme if we made it compatible with them devices, to get more views. The audience also prefers 45minute television instead of 30 minuets shows. The most popular type of shows are drama, action, fantasy, food and music and movies and we have covered most of these genres. Also a request was made to include the audience in the production and filming of the show
1 st segment (Robert) The video that Robert is making could, due to the content, have copyright issues. The use of such material will depend on where and how the segment is broadcast. 2 nd segment (Mitchell) Mitchell will be asking members of the public for their opinions or a number of subjects. We need to be aware that their comments are not defamatory or on current legal cases. The people that Mitchell will be recording their reactions might need to sign a form saying that their options’ are their own. 3 rd segment (Callum) As Callum intends to create a video to an existing track, we need to consider intellectual property rights, copyright rues and ensure that it can be broadcast. 4 th segment (Sarah) Sarah is doing a cooking show, she needs to remind the viewers of personal safety (using ovens, knives) and food hygiene whilst preparing. 5 th segment (Ross) For my idea I will need to consider copyrights strikes of showing clips of the two games I will be reviewing or any music that could be played from any clips, however because my review will be a good review of the two games will be good review then I will be selling people the two games.
My programme idea will be a review of two games that are both zombie survival games. Both of the games are not fully produced games yet, they are still being produced. The first game I will be reviewing has sold 2 million copies of the game in just under 6 months of being available to the public. The other game is very similar but very different at the same time however instead of this game being made by a group of people it was only made by one 17 year old boy. For my programme I will not need other actors to help out, however I may ask a friend to be involved with my program and ask their opinions on the games. I won’t need any props for my programme because I already have both of the games that I am reviewing. I also don’t need any sort of costume for my show. As I will be doing a voice over of some still photos and maybe some short clips of the games. There will be no cost involved in my programme. Things that could go wrong are that I could lose the footage of my show or get copy right strikes against things I have used in my show.