BellRinger “There is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind, and as we drove away Tom was feeling the hot whips of panic. His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control” –F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Ch. 7 Instructions: Tell me what you like about this sentence. What type of punctuation do you notice? Does the sentence flow? If so, why do you think so? What would you change about this sentence, if you would change anything at all?
Homework Come up with five sentences pertaining to elements that surround you. It can be about your home life, your favorite TV show, anything. Show me your knowledge of the types of sentences we discussed in class today. This will be due the next class period.
Newspaper Activity Assignment Using what you now know about comma usage and run on sentences, create a newspaper article announcing the death of Gatsby. Construct cumulative sentences, paring independent clauses together, so that I may see you understand the correct usage of a comma to set off additions of independent clauses. Also, use your knowledge of the character Jay Gatsby to adequately depict how your group thinks he would be represented after death. Articles must be at least 300 words and no more than 400.