Cell Review
Dominant Trait in Humans Recessive Trait in Humans A blood typeO blood type Abundant body hairLittle body hair AstigmatismNormal vision B blood typeO blood type Baldness (in male)Not bald Broad lipsThin lips Broad noseNarrow nose DwarfismNormal growth
Hazel or green eyesBlue or gray eyes High blood pressureNormal blood pressure Large eyesSmall eyes MigraineNormal Mongolian FoldNo fold in eyes NearsightednessNormal vision Rh factor (+)No factor (Rh -)
Second toe longestFirst or big toe longest Short statureTall stature Six fingersFive fingers normal Webbed fingersNormal fingers Tone deafnessNormal tone hearing White hair streakNormal hair coloring
Genetics AlbinismAlbinism (recessive) BrachydactylyBrachydactyly (Shortness of fingers and toes) Cleft chinCleft chin (dominant) Cheek dimplesCheek dimples (dominant) Free (dominant) or attached (recessive) earlobes earlobes Wet (dominant) or dry (recessive) earwaxearwax Face frecklesFace freckles (dominant) Widow's peakWidow's peak (dominant