Inquirers You ask how to translate new vocabulary and expressions. You look up new vocabulary online or in a dictionary.
You ask “why” phrases are translated in certain ways. You ask questions about French-speaking cultures.
Knowledgea ble You can recall vocabulary in spoken and written formats. You can identify parts of speech in French expressions.
You can conjugate verbs and make adjectives agree according to the subject. You can combine words to form coherent statements and questions.
Critical Thinkers You ponder issues in French-speaking countries and contemplate solutions.
You draw connections between your native culture and French- speaking cultures. You consider ways to include immigrants in our country and communities.
Your writing and speech are clear and well understood by native speakers. You speak up when you do not understand concepts. Communicat ors
You can use circumlocution to communicate in a variety of levels and phrase ideas in a variety of formats. You help others voice their confusion or help translate teacher talk to your peers.
Risk-takers You add detail to your speech and writing, moving beyond memorized phrases and vocabulary.
You participate in class. You are willing to be the first to try a new activity. You are willing to speak French in front of others.
Open- Minded You share your experiences with speaking French. You listen to your classmates’ comments and respond positively.
You consider how your native culture is similar or different to other cultures. You welcome opportunities to experience other cultures first-hand or interact with native speakers.
Balanced You value learning language skills as well as developing cultural awareness.
You are equally skilled in listening, speaking, reading, and writing French. You are willing to experiment with different learning styles and study methods.
Reflective You can recall prior learning and relate it to new vocabulary, grammar, and cultural concepts.
You can explain how and why you made mistakes in your writing and speech. You can identify vocabulary and grammar skills that you should study further.
You are patient with other students and your teacher. You help others understand when they are confused. Caring
You are willing to share notes and school supplies. You volunteer to help with classroom procedures. You consider ways to help others by using French skills.
You take responsibility for work owed from absence. You are honest in completing work and tests. Principled
You ensure that others have equal opportunities to participate in class. You are patient with and accepting of other students. You are respectful of others when they make mistakes.