Showing PRIDE starts with respect, following school rules and being the best Student you can be. To assist you in becoming Legendary here are the Expectations for Students at JMMS. These Expectations are from the Students Code of Conduct in the Students Rights and Responsibility Handbook. This information can be found on the front page of the CMS website. Remember it’s all about Cougar PRIDE! P repared – prepared for learning/success R espectful – at all times to all people I nnovative – doing things that students ordinarily don’t D etermined - to learn/make school a better place E ffort – making an effort to learn and prepare for success HOW DO WE SHOW OUR PRIDE?
WHY HEALTH & PE? Healthful Living Health Fit For Life PE
MEET YOUR TEACHERS! A-DayB-Day Coach (Butler) MontgomeryPhysical Education Coach MontgomeryPhysical EducationFit For Life Coach BenfieldHealth EducationFit For Life Ms. CampbellHealth Education
PE/FITNESS PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS 1.All students must be in the gymnasium by the time the tardy bell rings 6 th grade = 10:34a 7 th grade = 1:41p 8 th grade = 3:00p 2.Absolutely no food, drink, candy, or gum allowed in the gym area (main gym, aux. gym, locker rooms, hallway) during school hours 3.No student will be able to enter, or leave, the locker room or gym without permission from his/her teacher Water fountain Bathroom policy: not during class time
PE/FITNESS PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS 4.All students will correctly follow all class, and emergency, procedures 5 minute dress-out Hallway line-up Tornado & Fire Drill Lockdown 5.Acceptable active wear: talk to us if you have a concern or hardship YES T-shirt Athletic shorts Socks & Tennis shoes Sweatshirt Sweatpants No offensive material Misc. - sports bra, coat, ear warmer, hat NO ᴓTank tops, low-cut shirts, camisoles, mid- drifts, cut-off t-shirts ᴓ“Booty” shorts or denim shorts ᴓDress shoes, boots, flats, Toms, etc ᴓJeans ᴓSpandex ᴓSchool uniform* ᴓOffensive material
PE/FITNESS PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS 6.Locker Room “Get in, get dressed, get out” Will be assigned a locker; must provide own lock No horseplay Athletic lockers are off-limits Keep it neat 7.Zero Tolerance Horseplay - a rough play that can include play hitting, play fighting, slapping, kicking, wrestling, jumping on a friend’s back, etc. While horseplay often starts off to be fun, it often escalates to one or both students becoming angry. Fights often begin with Horseplay. ▪ Horseplay disrupts the flow of transitions, disrupts teaching and disrupts learning. ▪ James Martin students will refrain from horse play. Bullying Electronic Devices
PE/FITNESS PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS 8.Participation Includes dressing out and actively engaging in class If you have a medical condition, you will need to make the school nurse aware so we have documentation; otherwise you will be expected to fully participate Will receive 10 daily points 10pts – fully dressed out and fully participate 8pts – partially dressed out but fully participate 6pts – not dressed out and no participation 5pts – absent 9.Excused vs. Unexcused Doctor’s notes and/or no more than 2 notes from parent/guardian = excused No note or an excess of notes from home = unexcused Headaches and menstrual cramps do NOT exempt you from class participation
PE/FITNESS PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS 10.Weather Policy We WILL be going outside often (as long as it’s not raining). Be prepared – there is no excuse for not knowing what the weather will be like and planning ahead. Again, if you have a medical condition the school nurse must know so she can provide proper documentation & procedures to keep you safe while participating; otherwise full participation is required Hot Weather: Dress accordingly Consider bringing a hat to wear (once we’re outside the building), sunscreen, and an empty water bottle to fill up prior to start of class Cold Weather: Prepare to go outside if the temperature is 45 ◦ or above Dress in layers Consider bringing additional outerwear (gloves, ear warmer, coat)