Review for the Final Exam English 20-1
Final Exam 20-1 Part A: Written Response Part B: Reading Comprehension (MC)
Part A: Written Response Time: 2 ½ hours + ½ hour extra if necessary (3 hours) Materials: Part A: Written Response Booklet Dictionary and Thesaurus Expectations Complete 1 Personal Response to Text (45-60 min) Complete 1 Critical Analytical Response (1 ½ - 2 hr.) Students may not use any course materials during the examination.
Part A: Written Response Plan your time carefully. Part A: Written Response contributes 50% of the total English Language Arts Final Examination mark and consists of two assignments! PRT: 20% CARL: 30%
Part A: Written Response Complete PRT assignment first. This assignment is designed to allow you time to think and reflect upon ideas that you may also explore in the CARL. You are to complete BOTH assignments Utilize your time wisely, as you have only 3 hours!
Part A: Written Response PRT Personal Response to Texts (PRT) (45-60 min) You will be provided with three different texts. 2 literary texts and 1 visual text You will be given a topic (related to the themes we have studied in this course) and you must respond to the topic connecting one or more of the texts provided in the examination. Use CPU format Create a Theme Statement
PRT The Personal Response to Text should really be called, the Personal Response to Topic… You read the presented literature works in the test booklet, there will be 2 literature pieces and 1 visual. You will be given a topic question and you use CPU format to respond to this question. STAY ON TOPIC ! HAVE A STRONG CONTROLLING IDEA (theme statement) Create a strong unifying effect!
Some Assignment Topic Examples: 1) Discuss the idea(s) presented by the text creator(s) about the impact of an individual’s perception(s) on their response to events or circumstances. 2) Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator about the role that self-preservation plays when individuals respond to competing demands. 3) Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator about the significance of an individual’s attempt to live unconstrained by convention or circumstance.
Some Assignment Topic Examples: 4) Does the text creator believe that people have both a good and evil side, or do they believe that people are essentially evil, and that the evil will eventually overcome them? 5) Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator about the corrupting power of unchecked ambition and the effect it has on one’s morals and ethics. 6) Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the difficulty of accepting reality and the consequences that it has on an individual’s principles and integrity.
Personal Response to Topic (PRT) CRITICAL: Create a Theme Statement and then discuss the elements presented in the included texts in relation to how they connect to your theme. PERSONAL: Discuss how your life, or the life of someone you know, connects to the theme developed in the Critical section. Be specific with your examples. UNIVERSAL: Connect your theme to the “real world.” Why does it matter? What can we all learn from it?
Think of a theme statement for this visual….
Think of a theme statement in relation to this literary text…
Think of a theme statement in relation to this short film…
Think of a theme statement in response to this topic… Discuss the idea(s) presented by the text creator(s) about the impact of an individual’s perception(s) on their response to events or circumstances.
Part A: Written Response CARL Critical Analytical Response to Text (CARL) Choose from the literature studied in class. When considering the works that you have studied, choose a literary text (or texts) that are meaningful to you and relevant to the topic assignment. Support your idea(s) with reference to one or more of the texts studied in ELA 20-1 Only use texts studied in class, do not use any from the examination booklet or your PRT.
ELA 20-1 Texts Strings He-y, Come On Ou-t They’re Made out of Meat Perfect Day for Banana-Fish The Existential Moment The Dark Knight The Fountain Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Macbeth Kiwi! The Base Stealer Poem Your own poem!
Remember that your theme statement goes into your thesis statement!
CARL For example, say you are given this topic for your CARL essay. Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator about the corrupting power of unchecked ambition and the effect it has on one’s morals and ethics. Theme Statement: If ambition is not defined by values and ethics, it can become all consuming and lead to the destruction of self.
CARL With this topic assignment, you could use any of these texts for supporting your essay: Macbeth, Jekyll and Hyde, The Fountain, Kiwi!, The Dark Knight… (anything else?) Select the texts that you are most confident with (and that make the most sense obviously!) You can write on more than one text, but you should try to only focus on ONE!
CARL Assignment Topic: Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator about the corrupting power of unchecked ambition and the effect it has on one’s morals and ethics. Theme Statement: Ambition can lead to the ultimate destruction of self if not regulated by one’s morals. Thesis: In the novella Strange case of Jekyll and Hyde, Robert Stevenson develops the idea that ambition can lead to the ultimate destruction of self if not regulated by one’s morals. This is demonstrated through the character Jekyll when he initially creates Hyde, then consequently yearns to be Hyde, and finally is himself destroyed by Hyde.
CARLs and PQA All analytical essays need EVIDENCE Point, Quote, Analysis If you cannot remember an exact quote, you can paraphrase. Make a Point: Macbeth was starting to loose his mind even before he killed King Duncan. Support it with evidence, Quote: To paraphrase Macbeth in one of his famous soliloquies, “Is this a dagger in front of me real? Or is it in my mind?” (Macbeth). Then explain why this quote supports your point, Analysis: It is here that the audience ponders whether Macbeth is truly sane, as he is beginning to see floating daggers in the air. This could mean he is already mentally unstable.
Remember STAY ON TOPIC! If you go off topic from the assignment you will AUTOMATICALLY FAIL. Make sure you are answering the assignment question!
Just some TIPS P.Q.A. Ensure for your evidence that you are using all these letters for support. Just say NO to the semi-colon. Use a period instead. Or a comma! Watch those run on sentences that seem too long but you do not care because you have a point to make and you will make sure you do it in one sentence instead of simply making your one very long sentence into nice and easy shorter sentences by use of a period and or comma! When you cite… “To be, or not to be” (reference). Watch your tenses. Use PRESENT tense, even if the events take place in the past.
More Tips Use your best diction voice. KEEP IT FORMAL. Do not use slang words or phrases. Be a professional as possible. Try to have a catchy, original title! End with a BANG! A question, philosophical thoughts, or maybe even your own metaphor. Use this awesome conclusion to help you with your title. Re-read your conclusion to see if anything should be moved to the introduction. Many great introduction sentences are said perfectly in the conclusion!
CARL outline: 5 Paragraph Essay Introduction Paragraph: Grab their attention (hook) Introduce the topic and what the essay is about Provide any necessary background information Thesis statement 3 Body Paragraphs, for each: Statement of intent, describe your topic for this paragraph Exploration of intent, connect the topic to your text and thesis P.Q.A Explanation of quotes and evidence Summary and transition into next paragraph Concluding Paragraph: Be specific and restate your thesis Recap your three main arguments Think original and explain what was the purpose of your essay, why does it all matter anyways? Broaden your main theme to something larger and leave your reading wowed!
CARL #3 Tomorrow !!! I am going to give you a CARL topic. You are going to write, without books/notes/internet! You will support your ideas with reference to one or more of the texts studied in ELA 20-1. Consider prepping 3 or 4 works that we have studied. Be confident in the story line, themes and symbols. Show up early for class. Lab 232! Remember, in the final you will be under a time constraint and will have to MANAGE your time wisely. T