Indefinite Pronouns A pronoun that does not refer to a definite person, place or thing is called an indefinite pronoun. A pronoun that does not refer to a definite person, place or thing is called an indefinite pronoun. Cut and paste your indefinite pronoun handout into your notes composition book. Cut and paste your indefinite pronoun handout into your notes composition book. Leave some space in between each box to write a few examples.
Agreement with singular indefinite pronouns Examples : One of the stars is from my home town. One of the stars is from my home town. Remember to mark out prep phrases to make your job easier. Each of the tourists was given an souvenir. Each of the tourists was given an souvenir. Let’s work together … Somebody in the class (speak, speaks) French. Somebody in the class (speak, speaks) French. Everyone at the game (cheer, cheers) loudly. Everyone at the game (cheer, cheers) loudly.
Agreement with plural indefinite pronouns Examples: Few of the guests are wearing formal clothes. Few of the guests are wearing formal clothes. Many of the newer houses have built-in smoke detectors. Many of the newer houses have built-in smoke detectors. Let’s work together… Several in the group (says, say) yes. Several in the group (says, say) yes. Both members (agrees, agree) to the treaty. Both members (agrees, agree) to the treaty.
Agreement with indefinite pronouns that could be singular or plural Some indefinite pronouns can be singular or plural depending on their meaning in the sentence. Some indefinite pronouns can be singular or plural depending on their meaning in the sentence. Usually, the object of the preposition that follows the pronoun indicates whether it is singular or plural. Usually, the object of the preposition that follows the pronoun indicates whether it is singular or plural.Examples: Some of the birdseed is left in the feeder. Some is singular because birdseed is singular. The verb “is” is singular to agree with some. Some of the sunflower seeds are left in the feeder. Some is plural because seeds is plural. The verb “are” is plural to agree with some.
Let’s work together… Most of the balloons (has, have) long strings. Most of the balloons (has, have) long strings. Both of the sneakers (gives, give) me blisters. Both of the sneakers (gives, give) me blisters. Most of the recipe (is, are) simple to follow. Most of the recipe (is, are) simple to follow. All of the spectators (waves, wave) signs. All of the spectators (waves, wave) signs. Some of the article (has, have) good thoughts. Some of the article (has, have) good thoughts.
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