Great Malvern Primary School England, UK
Can we label a map of UK to show where Malvern is? Poss show our flag and explain the meaning of Union Jack
This is Class 5/6 We have 350 children in the school. Our average class sizes are around 25 children.
Empty Classroom Our Children Example of a display board in class
Kitchen Our kitchen produces around 150 meals a day for our children. This includes children who are entitled to free school meals, universal free school meals (years R – 2) and those who choose to have it. On top of their meal they can choose from the salad bar, a dessert and a drink.
Lessons At Great Malvern we teach an exciting, skills based and experience driven curriculum to ensure our children understand the diversity of the world around us, their place within it and the skills they need to succeed. The children study the core subjects of the New National Curriculum, with daily rehearsal of the key skills for Reading, Writing and Maths taking place in focused phonics, number, calculation, handwriting, reading and grammar sessions.
Art Reading Maths
Homework Club Some of our children need extra help with homework. We run a homework club every Friday to help these children. We also have volunteers from the community to listen to some of our children read.
ICT suit Our ICT suite has 30 computers equipped with headphones. Classes have 1 hour timetabled every week to develop their children’s ICT skills. Some classes also have laptops and iPads.
Forest School Forest school is to provide each child with the opportunity to achieve at outdoor related activities through a holistic approach of developing self esteem, self confidence and reaching manageable and achievable goals.
Assembly We have an assembly after lunch every day. Classes take it in turn to deliver them. On a Friday we have a celebration assembly where certificates are given for star of the week, best attendance and birthday cards.
This is our New Build We won a grant so that we could expand or building and build 6 new classrooms. We also have a playground with activities for the children to enjoy at break times and lunchtimes
Children playing on the adventure playground We have a quiet area in the playground, where they can sit and play board games
We also have mini games going on at playtime Table tennis Netball Our tyre park
Our Link Schools We already have link schools in France, Tanzania and Japan. Our modern foreign language is Japanese which children learn from Year 3.
Sports Kit Our pupils take part in a rich and varied P.E curriculum which develops their fitness, physical skills and allows them to compete against other children of similar abilities from both within and beyond our school community.
We have pets! Some of our classes have the responsibility of a pet. The children enjoy looking after the pets.
Bearded Dragons Royal Python Our fish Zee Mrs Selby's Dog