Sommaire Innovation Summit Roles for Stakeholders in the Healthcare System July 2010
- 2 - July 2010 Australia – Transparency in PBS Reimbursed Medicines HTA introduced the late 1990’s AUSFTA - Free Trade Agreement - 1 st January 2005 Provided the opportunity to challenge PBAC decisions PBS reform Nov 2006 Pricing disclosure - respects commercial in confidence, takes into account rebates, discounts and non momentary benefits at apharmacy level Weighted average price Delinking of patented to off-patented products PBS Summary Documents – gives transparency to PBAC’s decision making (available on the internet): “The availability of Public Summary Documents (PSDs) is the result of initiatives coming out of the Australian-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) based on transparency principles supporting the provision of information regarding the basis for the subsidy of pharmaceuticals to the Australian community, through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme “ The structure of the PSD is the result of collaboration between the Australian Government and the Pharmaceutical Industry, and is aimed at providing consistent information across PBAC recommendations.
- 3 - July 2010 Australia – Transparency in PBS Reimbursed Medicines Access to Medicines Working Group Between Health Department and Pharmaceutical Industry - forum to discuss price reductions, accelerated listing of medicines (parallel tracking), impact of generic price reductions on innovative medicines Horizon scanning – expected submissions and latest medical technologies PBAC Submission Medicines Australia representatives on 2 subcommittees – Economic Subcommittee and Drug Utilisation subcommittee as full members 10 minute hearings before the committee Pharmaceutical Benefits Pricing Authority Provides advise to the Minister of Health Medicines Australia CEO member of the committee This group was formed by the Department of Health and Ageing and Medicines Australia to help them work together more effectively and to consider issues regarding timely and appropriate access to new medicines for the PBS. The Group meets three to four times a year.