The Nervous System Somatic Nervous System- The division of the peripheral nervous system that connects the central nervous system with sensory receptors, muscles, and the skin. Autonomic Nervous System- The subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that regulates body functions, such as respiration and digestion.
The Brain
Parts of the Human
Parts of the Human Brain Forebrain Reticular activating system (upper part)- The part of the brain that is involved in attention, sleep, and arousal. Thalamus- The structure of the brain that relays messages from the sense organs to the cerebral cortex. Hypothalamus- The neural structure located below the thalamus that control temperature, hunger, thirst, and various aspects of emotion. Cerebrum- The large mass of the forebrain, consisting of two hemispheres. Cerebral cortex- The bumpy, convoluted surface of the brain; the body’s control and information processing center. Corpus callosum- The nerve fibers that connect the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.
Parts of the Human Brain Midbrain Reticular activating system (middle part) Hindbrain Reticular activating system (lower part) Medulla- A structure at the base of the brain stem that controls vital functions such as heartbeat and breathing. Cerebellum- The area of the brain that is responsible for voluntary movement and balance. Pons- A brain structure located at the top of the brain stem that is involved in respiration, movement, and sleep.
Parts of the Brain
Lobes of the Brain Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Motor Area Sensory Area Occipital Lobe - Vision Temporal Lobe - Hearing
Sensory and Motor Areas of the Brain Sensory Areas Legs Trunk Head Arms Hands Fingers Face Lips Tongue Motor Area Toes Knees Hips Shoulders Wrists Fingers Neck Eyes Jaw
Opening Activity Create a list of objects that are designed for people who are right-handed. How and why are left-handed people often expected to learn how to use these objects?
Methods of Studying the Brain Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Methods of Studying the Brain Computerized axial tomography (CAT Scan)
Methods of Studying the Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Can brain scans identify psychopaths?
Brain’s Plasticity