ASAS Thematic Network 2.5 Towards an ASAS-Global Network
An interim step leading to a series of FAA/EUROCONTROL Workshops Sponsored by EUROCONTROL. Developed in co-operation with the FAA. With the support of ENAV and the former ASAS-TN partners. Done with reduced resources to maintain the momentum
Seminar Report First draft for attendee review 28 Nov Comments (and answers to questionnaire) by 12 Dec Final Report for wider dissemination 9 Jan Presentations to be on
Keeping up the pressure Capitalise on succeses ADS-B implementation Package 2 definitions – AP23 Standardisation Work – RFG SESAR Validation Activities Pioneer airlines
SESAR and NextGen Formalise working arrangements between SESAR and NextGen at all levels to achieve:- - Common Goals. - Common development of Data communications; RNP; ADS-B and ASAS applications. - Common models for the safety case for Airborne Separation minima. Do this to achieve:- - economies of scale - unified action - better standardisation
Standardisation The work on ITP climb procedures in the Pacific and on the North Atlantic is a good example. They have used the ICAO SASP to ensure standardisation. It is essential to keep working on standardising :- - definitions - procedures - aircraft equipment
ADS-B Implementation There are concrete implementation plans in many parts of the world:- - Australia; Canada; Europe; Russia; USA. Starting in 2009 all Airbus aircraft will be delivered with DO260A, change 3. But we must continue to be able to take advantage of DO260 for ADS-B-NRA and ITP. And keep finding areas where ADS-B can be implemented to meet local needs.
Quick Wins Implement ADS-B-NRA (e.g. Hudsons Bay) and ADS- B-RAD where it can provide economic advantage, Complete the development and implementation of the following ASAS applications:- - ATSA-VSA - ATSA-SURF - ASPA-S&M - ATSA-ITP There have to be many locations where this a combined business case for this group of applications
UPS/ACSS ASAS applications FDMS; CDAs; CAVs and SAMM certified for Louisville and fitted to B757 and B767 aircraft. They will be migrated to Philadelphia where the FAA is funding fitment to 20 A330s of US Airways:- - to develop Operational Performance Assessments. - to develop Operational Safety Assessments. - for ATSA-SURF and Conflict Alerting and Indication. UPS want to use this same equipment in Cologne:- - will need an AMAN instead of ABESS? - will need to involve several ANSPs. Will this be the driver for one airspace?
Action Plan 23 A common reference of ASAS operational elements and functions that allows the development of future ASAS applications. - portfolio of definitions - portfolio of ASAS application elements - portfolio of ASAS functions - building blocks To prevent divergence but to allow implementation in different specific environments. Assists in system design; validations; safety cases; certification
Globalisation ADS-B implementation plans in Australia; Canada; Europe; Russia and the USA. Developing plans in Japan. Work on business plans in SE Asia. There must be many opportunities in:- - China - Latin America - Africa
ASAS-GN Objective Through international cooperation, to accelerate the global implementation of ASAS applications throughout the world, in order to increase airspace capacity, safety and flight efficiency.